December 27, 2010
harly said:
The trigger guard is part of the frame and is cast. the hammer and trigger appear to be but saying so would only be speculation. Regardless, if you decide you don't want it let me know, I'm looking for a Norwich .44.
I bought it but the guy had painted it camouflage for hunting tried to take it off with vinagar with little sucess.IT is only 2 digit ser number so I would like to see if I can save it.He has taken whole gun apart and broke rear sight,lost firing pin spring and who knows what else.A least it comes with 2 barrel assemblies and 2 grips,bd square scope mount and stainless rings I should have it in a week and will know more.walt
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
If it is stainless gun, go buy a quart of paint thinner or lacquer thinner and just toss everything in a piece of Tupperware and let it soak...
Won't hurt the gun and the paint will just dissolve. You'll end up with a sparkling clean 744.
(PS -- I may have firing pin spring)
December 27, 2010
SHOOT,Took some tuff stuff paint remover in spray can paint came right off then rinced off in hot water blew off with air.also have b sq stainless clamp on scope mount now looks like new how does it go together?need picture I am not going touse it but would like to put it together.G un has F in front of ser number.Also owner told me they had offer to buy 2 .999% silver coins when buying a norwich gun he sent them to me.If you have firing pin srping that would be great.walt
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
January 24, 2009
Walt, here's is a good tutorial thread, that will hopefully aid your 744 reassembly...LINK
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