October 10, 2010

I picked up some Sellier & Bellot .38 special this weekend and was shooting it through my 15-2. The first six shot just fine. The second six shot fine, but the cases stuck in the cylinder. I didn't think much about it, but the next six also got stuck in they cylinder. After I tapped them out, I checked them for bulges and found that some of the cases had actually ruptured. Total count, 4 of the first 18 rounds from that box ruptured. At that point, I decided not to shoot anymore. I've never had that problem with any other ammo, so I'm thinking Sellier & Bellot probably just used cases that were too thin. Just to be safe though, I'd like to check my gun out for problems. What should I be looking for?

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Assuming you have never had any problem like this in the past, I'd say it is ammo related. One thing to check is make sure the chambers are absolutely clean. I had a 14-2 that had apparently been shot a lot with .38 Sp, and would not chamber .357 Mag. I scrubbed out the chambers with a .40 cal bore brush chucked into a cordless drill on a pretty slow speed. Just kept scrubbing them out with lots of bore cleaner until .357 mag would drop in and out easily. I'd inspect each chamber with a bright light from both ends to look for any roughness or irregularity.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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