January 12, 2012

From time to time I will slip my Model 11 into my duty holster and head off to work at a quaint litttle place that has the nickname of Fort Apache. Mind you, I still have my same duty ammo (.38+P 158Gr. SWCHP) stoked! Just a different launching pad (Model 11 as opposed to Colt Official Police), as both six-guns are blue steel and have four-inch barrels with black rubber Hogue Monogrips in place. If some of you can read between the lines here you "know" what is taking place. Down here in Columbus this has been a semi-auto pistol country since 1992 when we (no they) changed over from the S&W Model 66 to the S&W Model 4586 Pistol to the "now" Glock 21. Ain't nothing wrong with them Glocks I'm just a six-gun cop from the very begining (1971) until today (2012). I shoot better and get tighter groups with my six-guns, be they Colt or my Dan 11. Today, this morning, young cop spots my Dan seated in my duty holster. Pops off with the old man old school comment I've been accustomed to for a while now and walks up for a closer look. "I heard about yo flintlock pops and when are you getting out of the stoneage and get a "real" cops gun!"
I came into law enforcement when revolvers ruled. In my mind they still do. The above interaction happens more or less the same way several times a year and about a million times on qualification day. I don't mind the caustic kidding as thats what cops do to each other when alone together. These kids have NEVER seen that Dan Wesson Model 11 "cloverleaf" because they choose NOT to participate in the monthly combat matches being held here. They talk the talk but DON'T walk the walk in regards to regular firearms practice.
Most cop gun fights are "still" two to three shot affairs up close and very personal (less than 10 feet) for the most part. That high capacity wonder-matic pistol is no more effective than my old six-shot Model 11 in these scenarios. That is, as long as I place those two-shots in the "weak-spot" of the bridge troll. I'm not a good shot so I practice and participate in those monthly matches mentioned earlier, so if that terrible, awful moment comes maybe I can survive it to go home to my better-half. My Model 11 is starting to take center-stage at these events for all the reasons I have listed before in this fine forum.
Yeah, rooks and young cops, I do love em because, my friends, you cannot even imagine what a "HIGH"
I get from spanking their behinds on the range
with higher scores and tighter groups. I love showing em old school hardware at the yearly qualification. Gotta go now and get to that range to practice cause I think I hear a rook sneaking up behind me!
Thanks again my friends....................David
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