June 29, 2012

hey guys i was looking for scope mounts for the DW and i came across this picture. This looks like a taurus clamp on scope mount for their taurus 608. Can anyone identify this scope mount? If it is the taurus one and it works that would be awesome because they are readily available and only 50 bucks.

June 5, 2008

New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

June 5, 2008

Here is one that's DW or a Weigand, not sure but think they are Weigand.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian

October 13, 2009

Yes, keep us updated if it will work! But I suspect unless its modified, it won't work. That style of mount uses a cross bar that goes through the vent, with two screws in the mount that draws it up tight. Problem is I believe the vents on the Tarus are alot thicker than the DW. On the one on the DW, I suspect they either cut down the thickness of the cross bars, or made new ones. Either way, the vents on the DW would require such a thin cross bar, it will easily distort. Plus the top rib on the DW is thin, and it also will not take much to damage/distort it.
Of course, that's all an educated guess looking at pictures, again, let us know what you come up with.
In my opinion, best to look at other options than the clamp on-really no good way to do it on a DW.

June 29, 2012

EWK_Stuff said
Yes, keep us updated if it will work! But I suspect unless its modified, it won't work. That style of mount uses a cross bar that goes through the vent, with two screws in the mount that draws it up tight. Problem is I believe the vents on the Tarus are alot thicker than the DW. On the one on the DW, I suspect they either cut down the thickness of the cross bars, or made new ones. Either way, the vents on the DW would require such a thin cross bar, it will easily distort. Plus the top rib on the DW is thin, and it also will not take much to damage/distort it.Of course, that's all an educated guess looking at pictures, again, let us know what you come up with.
In my opinion, best to look at other options than the clamp on-really no good way to do it on a DW.
You are exactly right, i got 2 taurus mounts in the mail yesterday and the crossbars are too thick to fit in the dan wesson vent. The slots matched up but like you said i would have to get a thinner cross bar that would fit in the DW. I am also looking into the Colt Python scope mounts but looking at them now i think i may have the same problem.

June 29, 2012

Hey EWK, you are great at building metal parts for guns, have you ever thought of building a mount like this one? I think it would look good to have a mount that goes all the way across the top of the gun but still low profile. It could even be more secure if you added a crossbar for each vent.

October 13, 2009

Too bad the Tarus mounts won't work! I don't plan on offering a clamp on mount for the VH shrouds, I've played around with them in the past, and the conclusion I've finally came up with is there is not a good way to do it with the thin DW vents. There was a B-square on one of my 15's and it left marks on it. Same story with my 741, it has less than a box of ammo through it, and has marks on the shroud from clamp on mounts. Not to mention the other issues such as the B-square design adding so much height, and the biggest of all, not a very rigid setup.
Pretty much I think the best bet with the interchangeable barrel design on our DW's, the RH is the way to go if you have the money to spend...and if you're willing to drill and tap your shrouds, a bolt on mount is also an excellent solution.

June 5, 2008

Eric is that one of your shroud's that can take a direct mount that we talked about you doing a couple years ago? I have kind of let my revolvers sit the last couple years do to my love of 1911's and Keith making a couple custom Razorback's and then my getting a Guardian last month.
But if you have those shrouds now I might buy a couple next month, this month was tore up paying the $1600 plus for electric upgrade on house this morning and having to buy a new washing machine for almost $900 after taxes yesterday.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian

March 10, 2014

IT would be nice to just be able to get the Railed barreled assemblies from you but some people would probably be more willing to get clamp on than a new BA. Or like in my case i wanted a compensated BA but you werent tooled up for it so I ended up drilling and tapping a Dan Wesson BA. Your stuff is great with a good selection but the things you couldnt do that some people want is why I want clamp on rings more so than mounts i can drill and tap for mounts but that adds another .5 inch in height that i dont need.
I feel your pain. Since Obamacare was passed everything health related has soared, medicare drug benefit has been destroyed, and medicare itself has been robbed. The inflation index does not count food and fuel so interest rates are supressed while living expenses soar. Thanks, I feel a little better since I got that off my chest. Till the next time I gas up and go to the supermarket.

April 28, 2014

I recommend a rh shroud by EWK or a Weigand base. I believe that EWK sells a similar base to the Weigands. I have and love both, but the biggest advantage of a Weigand type is that it brings the scope back closer to you so the gun balances better. I actually have a Weigand base on a vented shroud. My gunsmith said it was fine because he got at least 3 threads into the topstrap of the vent. It has held up without issue on a 15-2.
If you get an rh shroud do not buy the LOW 7.3 Warne rings. I bought the low ones from Brownells and they did not tighten down on the rh rail. I bought the lows because I was putting on a red dot. Anyway, I talked to EWK and sent him the rh shroud and rings just to verify that I wasn't losing my mind. Sure enough the lows didn't work. Maybe it was just that set. I exchanged them for mediums and they worked great.

October 13, 2009

Walt, I do believe that is the shroud we talked about in the past-but its been awhile and my memory is not the best! I plan on having some of the stainless RH's available in a week or two. Blued ones a bit more off as need to get some more barrel nuts made up.
I hear you on the expense thing, and Ole Dog, I think we need to start a thread to talk about the costs of things going up!

June 25, 2013

EWK_Stuff said
I hear you on the expense thing, and Ole Dog, I think we need to start a thread to talk about the costs of things going up!
Eric, "costs of things going up!".
That's part of the smoke and mirrors for the masses benefit.
That gallon of milk is the same it's the value of the dollar going down.
Now that Half Gallon of Ice Cream we grew up with is a different trick. The price stays the same but the container has shrunk.
The amount of air in boxes and bags has grown too.
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.

June 5, 2008

EWK_Stuff said
Walt, I do believe that is the shroud we talked about in the past-but its been awhile and my memory is not the best! I plan on having some of the stainless RH's available in a week or two. Blued ones a bit more off as need to get some more barrel nuts made up.I hear you on the expense thing, and Ole Dog, I think we need to start a thread to talk about the costs of things going up!
Memory....man try it at 69 after having a heat stroke at 65, and it was bad before that! Then add a 6 & 9 year old grandsons we raise full time.....wife isn't retired yet as she just a baby at 61. IIRC you D&T about all my shrouds, I will have to check to be sure. But I don't remember if you D&T the 715 V8 or VH6 shrouds and the M-22 shrouds.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
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