May 17, 2010

Well, since I have seen your newb post. Let me try to explain a bit.
On a Dan Wesson revolver, that part on any other revolver known as a barrel, is a two part system on a DW. The internal part is the barrel proper, it is a completely round part with threads on both ends. Covering the outside of that is the shroud. The shroud is completely round on the inside and has various configurations on the outside, including plain, vent, vent heavy, and heavy (no vent).
Excluding compensated systems, any barrel and shroud combo is allowed given they are of the same length. So your question is : can I use a Vent heavy shroud on my .22 that is already vent: the answer is ABSOLUTELY!
Now, to take that even further, you can have multiple barrel shrouds of different lengths. If bought as one "package deal" as put together by DW, its called a Pistol Pack. A common model 15-2 in .357 would be the 2, 4, 6, and 8 barrel/shrouds along with 2 sets of grips.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

November 14, 2009

The model number or designation is not marked on the firearm. To figure out what model you have, you need to visit the thread on that subject. I'll try to locate it and post it here for you. It can be confusing, I still scratch my head sometimes.
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Excellent information presented here, just one minor addition to Pinetor's explanation-there are some fixed barrel Dan Wesson revolvers.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

Pinetor has really done an excellent job in covering the shroud types in his post, very nice!
Regarding the DW models, they are quite simple…mostly. Anything out of the .38/357 & .357 Maxi arena is strictly by caliber size….i.e.; a .44 is a Model 44 (blued) or 744 (stainless)…a .41 is a Model 41 (blued) or a 741 (stainless)… a .22 is a Model 22 (blued or a 722 (stainless)…get it? The "7" always designates a stainless gun.
The early Porkchop guns, and the later .38/.357 guns & the .357 Maxi have different model numbers other than caliber designation…of which I can only clearly explain the Maxi (357 SuperMag) so far. The 357 SuperMag (Model 40/740) was named Model 40 (or later on, 740) because of IHMSA influence…a "40" is a perfect score in IHMSA, and the Model 40 was designed specifically to get you that score…as long as you could shoot straight. Otherwise, all DW's were named after their specific caliber….which is much easier (really) than trying to figure out Smiff's.
And as Steve said, the "FB" guns are sort of in a league all their own... 😀


January 24, 2009

Pops, I sure haven't seen one yet in .22, but that doesn't mean one is not out there somewhere. I've decided that DW's a sort of like Mopars...never assume they didn't make something. Just when I think I've got it figured out, something pops up for sale to blow my theory out of the water.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Charger Fan said:
Just when I think I've got it figured out, something pops up for sale to blow my theory out of the water.
Not to mention your Bank Account
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

jaggman said:
Very good post guys. It's always good to have a review of this stuff. Now, the 375SM, is that a model 40 also? I heard that once somewhere and it does not appear on the model list in the archive thread.
The .375 SM is a Model 375...
...which of course, was only available in blued, going from everything I've heard so far. Now watch, someone is gonna pop in here with a stainless 375 prototype next week.
It's probably not on the archived model list, because Jody grabbed that info from CZ's site dated 2002. I don't believe Norwich ever made the 375, so I assume that explain's why it's not on that list.

May 20, 2010

LeonardC said:
iT GETS EVER BETTER! You can use different caliber shrouds on the same size frame. So if you have a .22 you could put a .357 shroud with a .22 barrel on it....
so this makes me think that within a given frame size, ALL shrouds for that size frame will fit. Is that correct? This is what I was trying to ask in the OP.
I must say, I thought figuring out the model # was not as quite an art as it appears.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

This should answer what I believe what you are asking. All small frame shrouds (22,32,38,357) will interchange, except the caliber markings may not match the actual caliber. Model 14 and 15 shrouds will interchange but POA may be off. All super-mag frame shrouds( 357Max,375,414,445) will fit both SM and large frame revolvers. Large frame shrouds(44,41) will not work on a super-mag due to the ejector rod length. A few anomalies exist. Some limited guns have two alignment pins on the shroud. Also I am not sure where the 360 and the 460 Roland fall into this list. Of course the Lil-Dan is a shroud all it's own. I hope this helps and if anyone sees an error please set me straight.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009

Blacktop said:
jaggman said:
. Now to find the EXP-7375 -1..................
You dog ! With your nose you would be the one to find it !
True dat! And after this month of previously unseen DW's surfacing, I don't think a 7375 would even be a shocker...
...ok, I lied. Yes it would & I want it!
Blacktop, here's a bit of a visual aid to what Jody said...445 on top, 44 on bottom. The ejector rod is longer on a SM, as evidenced by the slot in the shrouds.
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