September 27, 2010
This is the most recent correspondence I received from CZ/Dan Wesson regarding availability of shrouds/barrels. I'm encouraged to see that they still provide these items.
Has anyone purchased a new stainless shroud and barrel from CZ/Dan Wesson? If yes, can you comment how they match with the frame of the revolver?
Yes, we actually still make our barrel and shroud assemblies to order. Therefore, it would take 4-5 weeks for the delivery process. I will list below the lengths and prices of availability for the 744 magnum assemblies in stainless steel. To order you may contact me at the phone number listed below. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and checks made payable to CZ-USA. Thank you greatly for your interest in Dan Wesson. We look forward to working with you.
List of Barrel Assemblies (vent heavy full underlug)
4”- $257.00
6”- $304.00
8”- $374.00
Shipping fee for any order is $9.00
Priscilla Jones
DW Customer Service
& Parts Dept.
5169 State Hwy. 12 So.
Norwich, NY 13815
(607)336-1174 EXT. 21
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
The only difference you will find in the new shroud is the manner in which the caliber is marked on it, unless your current gun is Norwich made.
The originals from Monson and Palmer were roll-marked. The ones from Norwich and the new ones are laser engraved.
Monson guns also said "Dan Wesson Arms" above the caliber marking, Palmer and Norwich guns have the caliber marking only.
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