Hi everyone. I'm brand new to this forum and am fairly new to Dan Wessons. I bought a used DW about 3 years ago from a friend of a friend. From what I have researched on this site it is a model 15. My question is about buying a new barrell from CZ. The gun only came with a 4 inch barrell which is perfect for what I have been using it for. I carry it with me when I go hiking or camping in bear country and the 4 inch barrell is just the right size but I have decided that I would like to try some deer hunting with it and would like to get a longer barrell. On the CZ website it looks like the longest barrell they sell is the 6 inch. Does anyone know if they still manufacture the longer ones? I would like to get at least an 8 inch barrell for short range deer hunting and would prefer a new barrell/shroud. I've been looking on ebay for a few weeks now and haven't seen any 8 or 10 inch barrells for the model 15. Are there many used one around that are affordable?
January 4, 2009
SIR... Jody posted a list, look on the forum list and open "Parts and Service"
then look at post marked.. " 2008 Dan Wesson Parts Price List"
click on that link it looks like this.. actually this is the link.. but do the above if
it doesn't open for you..
Your small framed .357 magnum revolver is listed with 2 1/2, 4,6,8, & 10 inch barrels avail. You can also check out gunbroker.com.. See the link over on the right hand side of this screen ??
I would recommmend checking that out before getting it from CZ.. having said that I just ordered a 4" barrel from CZ just because there never is one on the auction sites.
They made and you can also get sometimes a 12" or a 15" used barrel for that gun from the auction site's.. Jody just had CZ make him a new 12" one. for like 120 bucks.. what a deal.. ask him how he likes it !!!
Personelly I like the fact that CZ still will make and sell this stuff.. it's one of the reasons I'm looking at buying a new CZ Semi auto now..
good "hunting" .. hahaha
January 24, 2009
December 17, 2008
As was said, barrells are consistently available on GB in the different shroud configs.
You can get brand new from Dan Wesson, Norwich (CZ) and generally they are same price (& frequently better) as what you'll find on GB (!) - the difference is that the new ones have laser written cartridge size on the side of the shroud.
It's in script. Nice, but different from the older shrouds.
That deer you bag won't care much about the laser scribe...
Thanks for the info. I saw the one on GB but I would prefer to have a brand new one . On the CZ web site it only shows barrels up to 6 inches available for the .357. I'm gathering that they still make the longer ones since one of the replies said that someone got a 12 inch barrel from CZ. So should I just call or email them to see what they have instead of looking on their website?
December 17, 2008
Hey esrussell,
I'm repeating some of what Panther already said, but: We have the entire current CZ (Dan Wesson, Norwich) parts list posted under the “Parts and Service” Forum: /wp-content/uploads/2009PriceList.pdf
That link should pop it up in .pdf. There is a phone number listed at the top. Just give Priscilla a call at ext. 21.
For whatever reason, CZ does not list all the parts available from Dan Wesson on their website.
There is a very large selection of barrels / shrouds available for small frame and large frame (as Panther mentioned) , including 8″ & 10″ (10″ for $248- nice for band new!).
They only list VH as that is the standard blank, but you can order a V and they'll put it through the line and you'll have yourself a beautiful new V config in ~3 weeks.
June 5, 2008
For those who have 22 cal pistols the CZ website has new 6" barrels for $15 and needless to say I ordered a spare just for the heck of it for my 722 and it arrived today bright and shinny. I will grease it up and store it in the safe for whenever.
The CZ sight for DW is seldom if ever updated and their prices can be cheaper or more expensive.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
January 24, 2009
January 4, 2009
DUSTY YOU AND I THINK ALIKE.. I wasn't going to log in but that is exactly what was going thru my mind..
BTW that is the 4" compensated barrel .. it's actually 5" long .. that is ,, the SHROUD is 5" long but the barrel is 4" long.. see where the site is !!!
I was talking to Keith and he told me that.
I had not realized what the difference between "compensated" barrel and "Ported" barel was.. I thought they were saying the same thing... NOT SO ~~
THE ported barrels are no longer made.. only the compensated ones with the shroud that is 1" longer.
I ordered a regular 4" barrel for my .44 mag. last week and was planning on getting the compensated one next month.. but after seeing that AGS.. I may try and locate one of those instead.. ( HEy I can dream can't I .. LOL ) .
Have a great day
December 17, 2008
Great information - I also did not know there was a difference between compensated and ported. Thanks for that explanation.
And (unfortunately) I'm having that same dream...
I can hear it now..."What new Alaskan Giuide Special Baby, this old thing?"*
*credit to photohause
January 4, 2009
for posting that picture... you are just plain mean !!!
Here it is Dusty.. eat your heart out.. I know it's closed.. but still..............
I'm going to a gun show this week end in Greenville SC.. and if they have one.. I may not be able to stop myself ...
I tell you Dusty.. the more I look at all the pictures on the headers.. the more in love I become with these DW revolvers.. they are.. to me.. works of art.. and the fact that they shoot so well............GOOD GRIEF !!!.. my head was in the sand all those years.. so glad I'm now aware of them..
December 17, 2008
I AM eating my heart out - man what a masterpiece - nice job on the GA link!!
…and I was so happy with my little .357 mag… and I really don't need another revolver…but…well, maybe I do need another revolver—
OK Panther, i feel the same way & we have a mission!!
If you find two at that gunshow, I'll take the other one!!
Now here's my tie in: that compensator makes it look like a Thompson - how do you think Grampa Dan would've liked that??!! Let's just say I wouldn't want to be a woodchuck if he had one of these bad boys…(this said with the greatest reverence)
oh yeah - nice goin' Jody…
January 24, 2009
February 9, 2009
Howdy all-
I had contacted CZ via email a couple months ago looking for a 4" barrel and shroud for a 15-V purchased in 1983. Replies from CZ said that no vented rib barrels , only vented heavy rib barrels were available.
It was great to see they available. Hope the blueing is as good as it was then!
Thanks for the info-
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