Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Can you re-blue a plum "Barney" gun? I watched a guy on you tube re do a Dan Wesson it looked like it was pretty easy but i'm sure it's not. He was not fixing Barney either so I wonder if you can make it worse if I give it a try? Is there somebody here on this site that does this kind of repair and wondering what a job like that costs? I have a 357 Maximum that's pretty bad I should just buy stainless steel Dans for now on! Also I noticed on my Palmer 445 the Barney is only on the trigger makes me wonder if a different trigger guard was put on this gun I do not even know if the trigger guard comes apart from the frame!
The large and Supermag and the trigger group are two separate parts. The trigger group including the trigger guard drops down with most of the lockwork attached to the trigger group. Like a Ruger. The trigger group more often Barnies than the frame. It is unlikely the trigger group on your Palmer came from another gun. I would rather not have a barney gun but as long as it is not pinkish, mottled, or orange I can endure it for the right price. Dan Wesson would not make a stainless gun. Stainless is much softer than carbon steel. Although the brushed finish can more easily be restored than a blue gun with scratches.
Ford's of Crystal River is the best there is for plating, reblue, or custom finishes. They are used by S&W and others for their warrenty and repair work.
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