December 11, 2010
Ok guys, I'm new to the forum and there is something you should know about me. I have horrible luck. I've had my .357 for awhile and picked up a .44 mag (both dan's) yesterday. Of course I went shooting. Had a hard time with the .44 but I think it was some bad ammo. Other than that both guns shot great.
Today I was cleaning them (didn't take them down though) and now my .357 hangs up on one cylinder. When you pull the trigger it gets about half way then sticks. If you roll the cylinder with your other hand it will rotate through. I can't see anything wrong one the cylinder. It spins freely if you swing it out of the gun. The action seems fine as well. Any Ideas? Thanks
December 11, 2010
Works fine with the cylinder out. I just cleaned the poor thing, all looks good there. I pulled the trigger just enough so I could spin the cylinder freely in the gun. I went all the way around several times and can't see anything hitting. I'll go over it again but... not sure if it will help. Oh well can't hurt. Thanks BlacKtop
February 11, 2010
I have even seen when I could still see light between the barrel and cylinder gap
and I would get a drag, hard to believe when you can see a fraction of light but it
can happen when the gap is set tighter .006
You were Ok before you did all the shooting so scrub that cylinder face and
barrel end and you should be back in business.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Check the barrel>cylinder gap on every chamber, DW cylinders are not always square and true. Also (this is a little out there) make sure your ejector rod has not loosened and backed out a little or that it is not bent and binding in the ejector rod slot in the shroud. I've had both of these happen to me at different times.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
January 24, 2009
FlatOutCharters said:
Check the ejector rod. My 722 Sil. has an issue where tyhe ejector rod will loosen every few hundred rounds and cause the gun to bind.
Take a chuck of rubber innertube or leather belt, wrap it around your ejector rod, then clamp onto it tight with vise grips. Give the cylinder another good 1/8th-turn twist & you sould be set. Just get it tight, don't break it.
December 11, 2010
Upon closer inspection it does look like the ejector rod is bent. Anyone know where to find small parts like that? Also, the more I play with the gun the better it seems. I did tighten the rod up and that really seemed to help. Now its to the point where I can only feel it if I'm pulling the trigger back very slowly. I can just barely see where the finish has been touched in the shroud. If it is only bent a little would it hurt to leave it be, or will it cause me more trouble down the road? Thanks for all the help guys, probably saved me from taking it in to a smith...
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
If you can get the rod out... they are easy to straighten. Pull it out and roll it across a flat surface--you will easily notice if it is bent at all.
You can use a brass hammer to gently tap on the high point if it is bent, and straighten it out.
You may want to call DW and just check on the price of a new one--could be really cheap. Plan to order some other small stuff--shipping is like $9 just for the rod.
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