July 26, 2022
Thanks for tracking that down! I was asking because I had seen a comment about them being hand engraved. But that seemed like it would make the guns MUCH more expensive, and I was also pretty sure laser engraving was not mainstream when these were made.
It does look good. That soft plating sure scratches easily, though.
July 26, 2022
Hey guys. Hope this isn't out of line, but I"m bringing this post back up because I have decided to sell the subject pistol. I rarely hold on to guns that I can't shoot, so this one needs to head out to a new home. I appreciate all the input I got from you all and want to offer a discount to anyone who posted here previously with assistance with the revolver or the case I was able to secure. The gun is listed in the site classifieds. Hopefully someone from the group will want it so I don't have to sell it to a stranger on GB! Thanks.
No, not selling any of my other DWs.
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