Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
Not sure I understand what you are asking. It looks like a 744 with about an 8VH Compensated barrel assembly and a scope mount. Looks like a drill and tap kind, so there are probablly going to be some holes in the shroud/frame. It has a set of Hogue rubber grips on it.
What info are you seeking?
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
July 25, 2012
Thanks Scorpio! The end of the barrel screws off and inside, the real barrel stops before the compensated slots. Is that normal? I guess I meant, do I need to do anything special to clean the barrel and shroud? How do I find out when this was made and original MSRP and is this barrel configuration and gun rare or common? This is new and I just wanted to know what I had.
Dans Club
May 17, 2009
You will need a barrel wrench made to fit the compensated shroud. EWK makes them. If there are 2 slots in the vent rib you have a 4" barrel, 1 slot equals 2" in barrel length. It looks like a 4" barrel from where I am. The compensated end is about 1-1/2" beyond the end of the barrel inside the shroud. Cleaning the space in the compensator area I use a shotgun brush, although I don't find they get all that dirty, but then I don't shoot that much.
You do have a nice looking 744. Is this your first Dan? Is it a Monson, Palmer, or Norwich gun?
July 25, 2012
Thanks for your comment and feedback! This is my first Dan but my dad has had one for over 20 years that I have used a lot. That is why I bought this one. This one is a Monson. If I understand correctly, Monson made are the most desirable ones? What is the difference?
January 24, 2009
Here's a pic of a comp barrel apart, to show the pieces used. The barrel positioned about the same depth here as it would be once installed.
If your gun is a Monson gun, your comp barrel was added sometime later. The comp BA's came along during the Palmer years. The caliber roll marks on the Monson BA's will be marked "Dan Wesson Arms" along with the caliber, whereas Palmer BA's simply have the caliber marked, as you can see on mine .445 CTG.
Congrats on landing yours, it looks like a beauty!
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
juliusjammer said
Thanks for your comment and feedback! This is my first Dan but my dad has had one for over 20 years that I have used a lot. That is why I bought this one. This one is a Monson. If I understand correctly, Monson made are the most desirable ones? What is the difference?
Many people will try to say that one or another era of DW revolvers is the most desirable, I don't think there has been any conclusive data presented here to support any factory of origin to be the most desirable.
Monson was the first, and blazed the trail
Palmer did some very interesting innovation and adaptation
Norwich enjoys the advantage of the most modern manufacturing technology
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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