Hi Guys:
Took the 15-2 to the range on Sunday, and put 200 rounds down the tube. Powder was Bullseye.
Today, due to the Ice falling outside, I decided to do some revolver clean up on the Dans as both were put to bed dirty.
The only area I am having a cleaning issue with are the FLUTES in the cylinder. Bullseye seems to leave behind a very very difficult to remove residue that sticks to the concave area of the flutes. I have used a Q Tip and soaked the areas with Hoppe's as well as Break Free.
Cannot seem to budge that residue off....
Any ideas? What is the secret? These are blued revolvers....



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

If it's stubborn, I'd try some Flitz??? I use Bore Tech products. The Shotgun Blend usually removes the powder residue. Smells good too; like citrus cleaner. The wife doesn't even complain. However Hoppes brings back fond memories...
On the SST revolvers, I use the Birchwood Casey's lead removing cloth.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

I've used my lead cloth on some blued guns. Just don't go over board and I wouldn't use it all the time; it will dull the blueing, eventually. The Kroil suggestion isn't bad, neither is the oil and 0000 steel wool. Or just leave it until you find a suitable carbon remover. Again, I like the Bore Tech products.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

October 27, 2010

The best thing I've found is the Metal Care Cloth by Pro-Shot Products. It is solvent based and contains no abrasives. I've used it on the flutes of my Dans, S&W's and Python. I cut a small piece off and use it scrub the flutes and any other blued surface. It does not work as well on blued surfaces as the Birchwood-Casey Lead Removal and Polishing Cloth does on stainless surfaces, but it's close - and doesn't scratch. It says on the package that it is safe for blued surfaces.
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