September 8, 2010

There are two sections in a popular gun value blue book (can't remember the name) having Dan Wesson revolver values. The first section is under Dan Wesson and the second is under Wesson Firearms (as I recall). You can find the values of a 715 in both, but the values are remarkably different. The Dan Wesson values were much higher than the Wesson ones. Any insight into this would be appreciated.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

February 11, 2010

What you are seeing in the BB of gun values are the Dan wessons of different era's
as the book has it: Dan Wesson Firearms is of the Norwich NY era an is still run by
CZ-USA today, during that era 715's were manufactured between 2002-2004
and had a last MSP of $709
Also book has: Wesson firearms Co Inc. which is the Monson and Palmer era's
combined and had a last MSP of $376. Because of the last MSP is why
you are see a value differece. And yes a NY 715 will bring more on the market
If you read the introduction of that book it will tell you that the prices stated
are a nationwide average of gunshow markets which of course may be 1
year old info by the time it hits publication. Location area can dictat prices
as well. So that and any value book are no more than a guide line. By taking
an average of gunsite auctions and your local gunshows you can get a better
"fresh number" .
Since we're on the subject of BBGV did anyone see the number on the S&W 29-1 ?
$3050 at 98% !!!! Wow! and that is about what dealers in my area are wanting
for a 29-1 ! 2yrs ago I saw plenty of -1 's for $500-$600 and passed on them
looking for a cheaper 29 .
I could only hope my 586-1 could bring something like that in the near future.

Dans Club
October 26, 2008

I have used the BBGV to help with whatever I am trying to do at the time. When buying go to Wesson Firearms and when selling, yes I have sold them, go to Dan Wesson Firearms. Thanks to most dealers not knowing much about them and the fact that they are kinda odd (explains a lot about their owners too) they usually fall for it.
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