February 3, 2018

Just put my pin guages to use, and my thoats seem larger than I would expect (or want). They are as follows:
.360+ (largest I have is. 360, and no drag and noticable play on this cylinder)
Barrel slugs at around. 3575 and I size at .358
Do cylinders typically run this big?

February 3, 2018

Andrew1220 said
I’ve often wondered about this too. 357" jacketed bullets drop right through the cylinder on my Monson 715 but on my Palmer 744 with a newly fitted nonfluted cylinder, 429" bullets don’t drop through.
Not the most accurate way to measure, but they should drop through assuming everything is clean. I'd wait for a response from some of the more knowledgeable members.
In my case I'm shooting cast bullets, in addition to loss of accuracy and velocity, oversize throats allow the flame front to move up the sides of the bullets melting them and cause leading.
My question is do Monson 15s run this large as a rule, or are my chances of finding a used cylinder with smaller throats a real possibility. I'd like them to be .3585 or .359
I'm sending my gun in to DW for the fail to fire issue I posted about 8-9 months ago. Since its going to be there anyway, and a cylinder is a hand fit item I'd have that work done as well. Then I'd send the cylinder to DougGuy over on Castboolits for a nice honing to make them all match. 😁

August 8, 2016

Wbrco said
Not the most accurate way to measure, but they should drop through assuming everything is clean. I'd wait for a response from some of the more knowledgeable members.
In my case I'm shooting cast bullets, in addition to loss of accuracy and velocity, oversize throats allow the flame front to move up the sides of the bullets melting them and cause leading.
My question is do Monson 15s run this large as a rule, or are my chances of finding a used cylinder with smaller throats a real possibility. I'd like them to be .3585 or .359
I'm sending my gun in to DW for the fail to fire issue I posted about 8-9 months ago. Since its going to be there anyway, and a cylinder is a hand fit item I'd have that work done as well. Then I'd send the cylinder to DougGuy over on Castboolits for a nice honing to make them all match. 😁
No it’s definitely not a “measurement” I just noticed it and thought it was odd.
Why send it go DougGuy when Bob at DW can hone or do whatever you want to the cylinder while it’s there.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

My 715 throats are .358"(-)pin gauges, the 15-2 is .358(+) pin gauges.
Maybe a PO had the throats honed/ reamed to create more of the 'funnel' affect from throat to forcing cone to bore? Seems a bit excessive though, maybe they DIY-ed it and got carried away?
Bump your bullet to .3605" and see what happens. If you can't bump up, beagle your mould so it drops a fatter projectile. That cylinder may only be good for the j-word bullets.
.358" in a .360" throat is no Bueno...
Spec for bore is .355", throats at .3580"; both +,- .004"
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
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