I think the important thing to keep in mind is that they are bring back revolvers. While I don't agree with the caliber choice since 357 is by far the most common and easily obtainable at least a new one can be had. I for one would rather purchase a new DW than say a new S&W with a hole in the side of it!
I currently keep a database of all GunBroker sells above $400 for Dan Wesson revolvers so only time will tell if this effects their value.
Since these are only going to be made in small numbers I don't see them sitting on the shelves... I hope not anyway if we want to see other calibers offered!

November 4, 2008

It is important that they are tooling up for revolvers.
This limited run concept is fine I guess, but even though the only Dans I currently own are 15's and the .357 has earned it's due respect, it is somewhat of a ho-hum cartridge for those who are willing to spend over a grand for a revolver.
It would have got my juices going more if they did a limited run of say a 740 and listed it for $1,200, or even a 744.
Maybe the limited run concept is a way to save face if sales are flat and it will be lifted if not.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Well, I went to my local gunshop here in CT trying to understand if I could order the new CZ-DW 715. Sadly, at this time, he does not have an orderable part number in his computer but will be contacting his jobber/distributors to see what can be done to place an early order.

January 26, 2009

I read on Grant Cunningham's blog his theory is that CZ has some 715 frames leftover and just wants to get them out the door instead of scrapping them. Would it really be worth DW's time and expense to set up a new line to build revolvers for this reason? I can't see it, but I guess anything is possible. I hope it's not true!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

We just gotta wait and see what happens, but if finished parts are available, a skilled builder could make 3-4 of these a day, times half a dozen assemblers, times five days a week, times 12 weeks, and you've got a 1200 piece Limited Production run.
Wholsale those out to distributors at $750 each, it's over a million dollars for an item that needs no R&D, all the engineering is already done , and that all the parts are currently in production, and has a built in buyer base.
How long do you think it would take to sell out 1200 715's?
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Here is a link to the article on Grant's site. As Grant stated only time will tell whether new revolvers come to market. My hope is that they do...

October 13, 2009

Interesting, could very well be left over frames that they are using on the 715...
I think its interesting that they are going with a new shroud on these 715's...could it be cause they no longer have the tooling to make them the old way, and they don't have enough on hand to support making enough for either 500 or 1200 guns?

August 28, 2009

I will clear this up at the SHOT show or before. Frankly, I wouldn't get all excited based on the hearsay "an email came from someone who contacted CZ" and IMHO Cunningham shows a severe lack of professionalism in publishing this article, drawing conclusions and theorizing based on hearsay as well. I'd place my money on it being, in gentleman's terms, a "misunderstanding".


DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

Thanks for the update. $1169 on the CZ website. I wonder what dealer price will be?
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DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

I just called Dan Wesson and ordered a VH4 barrel for my 744. I asked about rear sight assembly availability. She said they were out of stock and the place that made them has been out of business. I mentioned that is saw the 715 was being reintroduced and asked about the sights on it. She told me that even though the Dan Wesson name is going to be on the gun that it is something that CZ is doing and its not being made at the DW plant.
I don't recall reading this before in all of the other 715 discussion. I didn't think to ask where it was being made when I was on the phone. I was kind of in shock. I thought this was going to be Dan Wesson born.
Does anyone know where these are being made?
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DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

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