Dans Club
March 2, 2008

So, $1169 for a 715 with a $20 Hogue grip? I can buy a Pistol Pack on GB for that, and I know it was made in America.
Once again, I pass.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Guys I was just checking out GunsAmerica and came across this ad. Apparently its for the new revolver but check out the price…
So, $1169 for a 715 with a $20 Hogue grip? I can buy a Pistol Pack on GB for that, and I know it was made in America.
Once again, I pass.
Steve, the more I think about this the more I'm inclined to agree with you. You can purchase a really cool SuperMag for that kind of money. Plus if you see my other post you can pick up the Hogue grip for $11.50 shipped! I also have to wonder about the statement that the 357 was the most requested caliber. As usual when it comes to all things Dan Wesson for every question we answer 10 more questions arise!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

If this guy could guarantee this price, he could do very well. I think that is a reasonable price for a new production American 715, priced right where I think it should be for a quality .357 Stainless revolver.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Hey all I want all of you to get your orders in soon as then I can have free range of Dan's on GB! Buy 2 they will only be worth more soon DW 715! (just kidding) That add makes you wonder, maye he figures he can get a deal with a large order! How may FFL's or Dealers are on DWF? Maybe the same thing could be done, custom Serial Numbers? consecitive, 100 of them? I don't know but just thinking here!!!


January 24, 2009

August 28, 2009

It's impossible. Dealer net isn't even CLOSE to that and I doubt Distributor net is even close to that as well. There isn't that much margin in the distribution at either the first or second tier combined. If he can retail them out at $709 I'd buy one myself. Be careful - if you do send a deposit make sure that you use a good card that insures you against loss.
I agree with Steve - the $700 range would position this revolver perfectly and would be a real seller at that price. A comparable S&W has a dealer net of $625 which puts them right in the same price range.
I really hope somehow I'm wrong here but I don't think so.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Good Morning Guys,
I got a reply back from my contact at Dan Wesson and here is the reply:
We do have to sub out some of the work because of the size of our company and the popularity of our 1911’s but that is nothing new in the industry and still a Norwich gun. Most everything will still be interchangeable with the older models and everything will look basically the same with the exception of the shroud and engraving on the shroud.
At this point I think we need to try and not jump to conclusion and try to remain positive in light of the bits of info we've recieved.

May 17, 2010

Thanks for posting that Jody... however, it does leave a lot unsaid. Subbing out across the street or even to another state is far different from subbing out to Brazil, or Pakastan. "Most everything" being interchangeable is also worrisome. But I am wiling to take a wait and see attitude.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Harly thanks for following up on that! Certainly doesn't sound trustworthy...
I sent an inquiry though to the GA posting and received a response – the price has been changed. Also, the phone number has been disconnected. Take caution.
We certainly have more questions than answers when it comes to all things DW! Hopefully more details will be made public at the SHOT Show. Anyone going? Wonder if I could go since I run a firearms related website?

August 28, 2009

jwk said:
I read on Grant Cunningham's blog his theory is that CZ has some 715 frames leftover and just wants to get them out the door instead of scrapping them. Would it really be worth DW's time and expense to set up a new line to build revolvers for this reason? I can't see it, but I guess anything is possible. I hope it's not true!
Cunningham's blog couldn't be further from the truth and the misguided information about not having drawings is false. It's a ridiculous "misunderstanding" somewhere up the line which was perpetuated into a completely false theory, conclusion, rumor or whatever you want to call it. The factory is fully tooled and ready to manufacture revolvers. The rumors based on false informatin need to stop – it's a waste of energy. Pricing is a separate issue.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

December 21, 2009

Once it hits the show there's no telling how long the 500 pcs. will last!
Yes, we don't know if cz's "500" 715's in 357 will last two years or three at those prices. Seriously, I hope I am wrong and I wish them well since I would like to see the dan wesson revolvers come back but I fear they reintroduced the wrong revolver in the wrong caliber if they expect to sell a 357 revolver with one barrel, an ordinary appearance, and cheap rubber grip for that kind of money. If they wanted them to sell at that price point they should at least have taken the trouble to stock them with a nice wood grip with a little figure. Nice, top of the line sights(maybe adjustable night sights) would help too. If a buyer is going to pay that kind of money for a revolver I think most want it to look like quality as well as feel like quality and shoot like quality. I don't think many people like paying a high price for a gun that looks like a budget model. Especially when a equivalent original can be had for around half the retail price of this new one. I fear cz will introduce this, it will sell poorly, and cz will just throw up their hands and say "see, we told you there was no market for these" so to speak and go back to 1911's.

October 13, 2009

I dunno, I've been thinking. The more I think about the caliber...CZ's thinking may be that the .357 has the widest appeal to new potential buyers as compared to some of the more "odd" DW calibers. Of course there are some of us here that are fanatical about those "other" calibers, but beyond us, how many do you think they could sell? In my opinion from my local experiences in talking to gun guys a .357 or .22 caliber Dan Wesson will get a blank stare. After explaining, oh that's neat! And ends at that. What do you think they would do if I mentioned a DW that's a .357 MAX or a .445 SM??!!
Anway, sorry for the speculation but its fun! Harly, you must get us answers!!! Don't spend your ticket money to the shot show capturing Ohio Dw's, I can help you out there if you like!

December 21, 2009

The more I think about the caliber…CZ's thinking may be that the .357 has the widest appeal to new potential buyers as compared to some of the more "odd" DW calibers. Of course there are some of us here that are fanatical about those "other" calibers, but beyond us, how many do you think they could sell? In my opinion from my local experiences in talking to gun guys a .357 or .22 caliber Dan Wesson will get a blank stare. After explaining, oh that's neat! And ends at that. What do you think they would do if I mentioned a DW that's a .357 MAX or a .445 SM??!!
I would agree the 357 would be able to appeal to the largest number of new buyers if it was priced roughly inline with say a comparable 357 like rugers gp100. However it appears they are going to be priced at a level where a person that most likely already is a big DW fan is going to be the most likely buyer rather than the average joe in the gun store or at the gun show looking for a 357 revolver. If prices are going to be high then calibers and refinements likely to be most appreciated by DW fans make the most sense since total sales volume is likely only to be moderate anyway. On the other hand if a share of the general 357 market is what is desired prices should be in the ballpark of between what a ruger would run and what a smith would run. That would mean real world prices would have to be around 600 or so, perhaps a bit more, but certainly not much more. While I would dearly love to see DW 357 revolvers gain a market share I don't see that happening at the likely real world price of 900-1000 these new ones are being introduced at.

January 11, 2011

Like many others here, I think I'll be waiting to see what an actual 715 looks like in person before deciding if I'd consider purchasing one.
Not including my own DW, I've seen a total of two DWs in my life.
Both were early/Monsoon era revolvers, so I can't really speak to what the newer ones looked like, including the ones that CZ was associated with at last production.
And then, being in California, it's unlikely that this will be drop tested/etc. to be placed on the "safe" list. Maybe I can convince some of my LE buddies to buy one and then suggest what a paperweight they are, offering to take them off their hands after the newness wears off?
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