March 15, 2011

Has anyone seen this???? http://www.jtl.de/english/revolver/revolver_e.htm
A production user-changeable barrel system revolver that does Karl R. Lewis invention better (well, at least Dan Wesson's practice one better): one revolver can be changed from 22 Long Rifle clear up to 454 Casull...and look good doing it.
My apologies for posting what might be considered non-topic but this is just tooo close to our beloved revolvers not to put it here. In fact, they also have a revolver chambered for the 500 S&W. Methinks this system can be adapted, therefore, to any of our Supermags.
I'm sweating and excited, just at the thought of owning one of these beauties!

August 28, 2009

41fan - You can stop the sweating and drooling unless you have a VERY deep wallet. The guns are made in Germany and I spoke to the factory about 2 years ago with the intent of importing one. I'd have to look at the pricelist again, but as I recall the base price on just the revolver alone was somewhat to the tune of $6k, and that didn't even cover transport, customs, and brokerage fees. I had the great idea of importing a complete set with in 4 calibers and the tally exceed $25k. It sure is a beauty, but unless you're independently wealthy and can drop that kind of change on a revolver, for most of us it will have to remain only as dream.

December 26, 2010

It's a nice looking gun. I like the gold colored trigger and hammer.
But, just looking at the pic I'm not sure I would trust the frame to take a lot of 44 mags and 454 Casull's. Maybe the picture doesn't do it justice, maybe it is stronger than it looks. Still I wouldn't want to experience a failure.
Maybe there is a market for it in Europe. I seem to recall something about some countries limiting the number of guns one can own.
And the price is way out of my league. For that amount of money, I could buy a new Harley and multiple Dan's. Hmmm? That alternative sounds good. Now where can I come up with $25k?

March 15, 2011

August 28, 2009

Sorry to rain on your parade there - just wanted to give you and idea of the costs. I actually did go back and review the pricing again, and the numbers are correct. A system in 4 calibers w/ 3 barrels in SS runs $24k, not including import. For that price you could have an individual Dan Wesson in each caliber and barrel length and a whole lotta $$ left over. But then again, it wouldn't be a Janz JTL.

November 23, 2008

Good morning
Germany is one of those places where gun ownership gets very pricey. But a swap barrel caliber configuration is still just on e firearm therefore one registration that is taxed.
Caliber changes in the DW is not all that drastic. Having a lathe to turn your own barrel threads would really make it easy. But if you want a 414 SM or other hard to find calibers it sure beats the big buck layout you will face.
Mike in Peru
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