March 26, 2010
Hi, I have just found a DW .32 H&R at a local dealer. The gun is in very nice condition, doesn't to have been shot much and with a balance, grip and trigger to kill for.
DW have a pretty bad reputation here in sweden, but I have always been of the opinion that if everybody else shot S&W's, there's no reason for me to do so too... Also, I already own a DW, a .375 SM that I don't shot much, but every now and then I take her out to dig some big holes at my local range.
The .32 is a "monson" gun as well as the .375 so it is an early gun and should be of good quality. However, the dealer saw me drooling and my trembling hands and he wants $1000 + for it. This I think is a bit pricey.
Does anyone of you have any practical experiences with this gun and can You give me any good reasons to go ahead with the purchase (or not)?
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
Check this out, it was a post I made awhile ago:
Welcome to the for starters. I know there was another post on a .32 more recently as well. Tell us a little more about the revolver, blue? Stainless? Is it an IHMSA Field gun? Standard revolver? The Filed pistol I posted about has a very light trigger and requires no effort at all yielding outstanding accuracy. I am a bit perplexed at Dan Wesson's having a bad reputation in your Country. Were there some quality issues that perhaps were not addressed at the factory by some? I have found the .32 in Dan Wessons to be extremely accurate and very pleasant as well. As far as that price, I would want to know a bit more about the gun before passing an opinion on it.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
May 17, 2010
Welcome to the forum. At $1000 US that would be expensive, for a standard "shooter" quality gun, but circumstances could alter that. Ruger and Federal have introduced the .327 ... a magnum .32 magnum. So I think the round has merit. It qualifies for most competitions, yet has a lower felt recoil than say a .38.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
March 26, 2010
Hi again!
Now it's starting to get interesting, or maybe I'm starting to get close to the essence of DW.. I checked out the DW .32 today for a trip to the range together with a Taurus .32 (an S&W clone) and brought my own .357 Ruger GP100 as a known reference.
These are the two guns in question.
It turned out to be a very interesting experience.
The one thing I'm sure of now is that everyone needs a .32 calibre revolver in their toolbox! So nice to shoot! To summarize; both guns were very accurate with the DW very much the better quality product. It's very solid, pretty heavy (almost as the ruger) and I get the feeling that you have to "get to know her" to really make her perform her best. In short, It's an italian sports car, a beat up maserati, but still,a maserati! The Taurus on the other hand is a Volvo, everything was so easy, smooth as silk. It just performs, (wich by the way is what I love about the Ruger), just a simple, no hassle hole-maker.
The DW on the other hand is heavier, takes longer to switch targets and is much more complicated, so the choice should be easy. But still I can't lose this feeling that if I spend 1500 rounds learning to shoot this odd piece of equipment there will be a great reward waiting... The DW has soul, and maybe this is the essence of DW....
This story will continue.
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ps, yes of course I drive a Volvo, i'm not stupid...
Range Officer
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Dans Club
March 27, 2009
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