October 11, 2009
This might have been covered but I couldnt find anything on it. Was having a converstation with a friend and he stated that there is not tax stamp to turn a handgun/revolver in to a rifle? I know that the barrel will need to be 16" for sure but is there something I am missing here?
If this is the case I just might have to make one of these
Thanks for the imput.
February 16, 2010
Barrell must be at least 16" from breechface to muzzle.
Overall length must be at least 26" (if it has a folding stock it must be at least 26" folded).
You can make a handgun into a rifle without any paperworki but once you make it into a rifle its a rifle forever … if you want to return it to pistol configuration you'll need to register it as a SBR
My only concern with turning a revolver into a rifle is the side blast coming from between the cylinder and the forcing cone burning your left forearm. The new Taurus Judge carbine addresses the issue with a shield. The DW you linked doesn't look like it has one.
January 24, 2009
Is that gun for sale somewhere? Just wondering, because that pic appears to be the same as when it was on GB last February...
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