January 8, 2012
New rules posted on ebay looks like barrel assemblies are allowed again
//The following gun parts and accessories are allowed on the eBay US site only. The seller must be in the US and offer domestic shipping only:
En bloc clips
Choke tubes
Firing pins
Magazines with a capacity to accept 10 rounds or less (high-capacity magazines that can accept more than 10 rounds are not allowed)
Trigger assemblies//
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
I did some Eb@y surfing today for gun parts in general for some of the older stuff I own...
There is a huge gun parts market up for sale right now for a variety of firearms. I'm going to pull out a bunch of old gunsmith parts I have lying around and get them listed. I just sold a bunch of Llama 9mm parts the other day for what i thought was a fairly high price--but it is Eb@y... buyers determine the market value....and right now it seems to be a sellers market..
On the other side of the market is Gunbr0ker... The market is currently flooded with 15-2's for fairly low prices. I sold one the other day in what I consider above shooter grade condition with the box for $405+25 ship... buyer probably has to pay another $20 for FFL, so that is $450 delivered for a nice DW... more of a buyers market...
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
I really wanted to bid on that 15-2 of yours but for some reason I was low on funds just then. There are a few gems on GB that I would love to bid on, just got to wait. Why do so many fine examples have to come on all at the same time? Between you and Walt a guy could go broke over there.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
Well, ebay is on their game....
Yesterday they cancelled one of my auctions (3 point tactical sling) because I used the terms m-16 and AR-15 in the description...
Today they cancelled two auctions for mini-14 mags... reason--"the mini-14 is considered an assault rifle"...
I still have a few mags listed--we'll see how long they last.... funny thing is I sold a few last week--no problems.
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
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