October 13, 2009
Thanks guys! Really appreciate your patience and support! Just feel bad with all the missed deadlines and that this is taking so long! I can't wait to be going, and I'm sure alot of you feel the same way!
So far on track, got the steel large frame nuts ready to be blued today so that's one more thing out of the way so we can hopefully have everything blued this week!
May 17, 2010
I went back and re-read the thread.
I just got my 500 rounds of .38spl back from the reloader.
158 grain copper jacketed hollowpoint, 3.8 grains of Hod
But since Eric pointed out he wanted lead bullets tested I still have my 500 rounds of .38spl .. everything is the same except .. no jacket.
Since I bought yet another 15-2(6VH).. I have its 6VH, plus the 2 6V one of which is SS.
I was going to test at the indoor range but the re-loader says I really should be outside, since the lighting is so bad at distance in there. ( they are too cheap to get the good lights). I think I will 99% if the testing with my gun (versus the new gun) as the new is too tight and hasnt had a trigger job like mine has. Basically I just "use the force" and the trigger snaps. Whole new meaning to "pre-mature firing"….
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
October 13, 2009
Wow Pinetor, sounds like there's going to be some serious testing going on your end!
Got the barrels blued and will try to get them out in the mail tomorrow. I have everyones address except Jody's sent a PM to get that one. Of course since its been so long, if you've moved, let me know!
I did get to put at least 6 or so bullets down each one, so you don't have to worry about them blowing up!
Pretty much just check 'em out, however you feel is best, if there seems to be a problem, let us know before you burn up too much ammo.
April 1, 2010
I have a chrono and about 1,000 loaded rounds that I have tested including velocity, and sandbag shooting at 25 and 50 yards at my local outdoor range I have a 744 vh and I cast my own slugs with saeco, LBT, RCBS and lee molds as well as magma and I load factory jacketed rounds with both a 4" and 8" barrel as well as a cut down 4" Redhawk and 7 1/2 inch redhawk.
No matter what you guys come up with I want a 6" barrel in Vh or half lug. I will test it after I buy it.
January 24, 2009
healey55 said:
I have a chrono and about 1,000 loaded rounds that I have tested including velocity, and sandbag shooting at 25 and 50 yards at my local outdoor range I have a 744 vh and I cast my own slugs with saeco, LBT, RCBS and lee molds as well as magma and I load factory jacketed rounds with both a 4" and 8" barrel as well as a cut down 4" Redhawk and 7 1/2 inch redhawk.
Good grief, it sounds like all the .44 bases are pretty much covered here!
Can't wait to hear some of the tester's feedback on these babies.
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