October 13, 2009
Mike, You're right, you had a little bit of inside information on this one! The issue with the slots is that it would project all the flash right in the sight path. If we have two rows of ported holes, that would keep the center view open! Not sure if one would consider it an expansion chamer, but the hole in it is 3/8" and a short distance before the first port.
Blacktop & Pinetor, calm down, not quite ready. I want to send you something that will work great not just entertain.
Love the firestorm name! Also the two flats is a GREAT idea, if we go with the ports, could always use that in addition for tightening/loosening. Crown, good deal, we'll have to try that! One other thing to consider is if we put slots in the face for the barrel wrench. Not sure if that would mess things up or not.
Thanks also Pinetor for the bushing idea, that's something I'll have to check into!
Thanks for all the kind words, believe me its my pleasure and privilege to be able to work on making DW goodies!
October 26, 2010
Looks great, gives an incredible look to the piece.
Looking forward to the range report and the performance aspect of it. Im very intrigued.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that's good" – George Washington
Range Officer
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Dans Club
February 28, 2009
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