May 28, 2013

Hello all,
Just curious if anyone has ever seen and vented heavy barrels from EWK in 357? I see there are some options for 44 mag, but all the 357's are the slab side. If Erik from EWK sees this, are there any plans in the works to make any of these barrels? I am sure I am not the only one who prefers the more classic look.
I see from reading here that there are many people that like the slab side barrel, but it just doesn't do it for me. If I could purchase a 2.5" or better yet 3" vented barrel from an aftermarket source I would part with my money today! The prices these things go for on ebay is above what I am willing to pay.

October 13, 2009

I have made some VH style BA's for the .357 Mag Dans, but only in a limited amount. The EH style/slab side is what seems to be the most popular! As you may be aware, I came out with the "RH" style not too long ago, it is along the lines of the VH. I am not sure what the future plans will be, at this point I am leaning towards making some more .357 Mag VH's up and see what happens.

May 28, 2013

What type of timeline do you typically work on? I see the vast majority of barrels you have on the website are currently sold out, but I don't frequent it enough to know how often things come back in stock.
As soon as I see the option to be notified of product arrival, I will sign up!
As I mentioned, my first choice would be a 3". If that were not available I would have to think hard about a 2.5" or 4". I prefer a 4" barrel for handling, but have a 6" right now.
Thanks for the reply!

August 28, 2009

Eric - put out the VH on a consistent basis and they will sell. The original classic style of the VH is going to appeal across the board to a wider customer base than either the EH or RH. Put them out at the reasonable prices that you have established and you'll capture the market that Ebay and GB is drawing on the used shrouds as well as new market share from DW. It is a much larger opportunity than the EH or RH segment.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I'll jump in quickly to share that EWK is not Eric's primary business, he is in the specialty Tool and Die business, the DW stuff is a labor of love and likely does not go very far toward paying the bills.
As the DW business grows, I would expect his ability to produce more items will grow. Much of the EWK activity that we see is really "secondhand" for him, eBay people buy up his products and then resell at a profit for themselves. To his credit, Eric maintains his pricing in large part because of his love for Dan Wesson's and his willingness to share his passion for shooting in general and DW in particular.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Eric's 'day job' shows through in his EWK offerings, his precision and attention to detail is second to none and is every bit as good if not BETTER than that of the DW factory. I hope that the DW segment of his business can continue to grow and prosper.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

October 13, 2009

Thanks for the kind words, as always, what I've been able to do so far is in part thanks to you all! You guys are the bomb!
Steve, I see an update is in order! EWK Arms/gun parts have been slowly becoming more and more of my business over the past few years since I started. Enter the events that happened late last year...I am not sure how to describe the ensuing experience, but crazy is the best word I can think of. I still don't completely understand it, but I think as long as it was gun related and available for sale, people wanted it! In that time, I transitioned to nearly doing 100% of my own work/EWK Arms stuff!
With the volume of work that was coming in, I thought it was time to try bringing on some help to expand what I could do, tried that, and talk about a disaster...I tried everything from unskilled and "desperately needing a job" to the last guy "A CNC machinist with 30 years of experience" all did not work out. No, not that hard to work for, a friend came over and helped out when I was really in a bind trying to get stuff out the door, and talk about a worker-problem there was he has a job, and I couldn't get him to take any money, so felt bad asking him to help out! Also my Mom helped out when she could, again, an awesome worker, but then again someone that is employed already!
Fast forward about 2 months ago...the flood of orders receded, things got "dead slow". Well, back to the normal pre madness I suppose. I'm actually glad now it didn't work out with getting help on board, as I suspect I would have a hard time meeting overhead. No problem with the one man show, but as some of you know, takes some $ to be supporting worker bees. Especially for the ones that seem to be available around here!
So basically where I am at the moment is since my contract work customers are no more, I am working on trying to get some other projects going, some gun related, maybe even some more stuff for our Dans! Not to mention still working on getting some things in stock still!
Andy, the timeline for my barrels and shrouds is anything but certain, I do them in small lots and try to hit on what I think what will sell, which can be very surprising, the rule that I've seem to find, is what's in demand is what you don't have!
Definitely will into consideration about the VH's, I have some prepped blanks I plan on running off soon that may end up being some VH's.

September 1, 2010

forensicfirearms said
I too would like to see the VH barrels available in 357. I would also vote for a 3" barrel as a top pick but would like one in 2.5" as well. As there are more model 15-2's out there than anything else, I think these would be a top seller.
I'll second and third that. I've been waiting and waiting for more VH and seem to miss time every time you put any up.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

June 25, 2013

Dear Santa,
How is you and Mrs. Claus doing. Good I hope.
I have been a really, really good boy this year.
I'm wishing for Christmas a genuine EWK 44 Blued RH 10" Assembly.
I know things are busy at the workshop and all, but I hope my letter finds you in a jolly mood.
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Eric, I know exactly what you are experiencing with regards to labor. I don't even need tech savy workers and its still tough to find good people.
I was wondering if you could take online orders for specific BA's and such and when a thrshold is reached where it is worthwhile and profitable, you could make a batch. That would take alot of the guess work out of trying to anticipate the market. It would also preclude carrying inventory that isn't moving. The person placing the order would be made aware up front that it could be some time until a batch can be run. A good faith deposit would need to be put up by the person ordering to prevent folks backing out.
I don't know if this would work for you but its a thought I had.
Looking forward to the next run of RH and VH BA's.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

October 13, 2009

Excellent thoughts Scorpio! I was hoping the notification when back in stock would be a useful tool to help determine what to make and how much, but it seems to be a huge disparity between people that sign up to be notified and actually order things!
Lots of planning going on here, but I am leaning towards changing to a "made to order" model where payment will be required upfront. I think by now most people can see I am legitimate and would be comfortable paying then waiting.

March 27, 2013

Eric, the pay up front method seems like a great idea. DW does the same thing when you order new barrel assemblies. DW states a 4 week lead time from the time you place your order. If you can garyntee a delivery date (no later than) that will help with orders.
The only issue I can see is that you'll be changing tooling more due too varying orders. Just a thought.
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