March 15, 2011
I took delivery of a Palmer 722 revolver sans barrel. I ordered a matching 22 ca six inch s/s VH barrel and shroud from DW. It turns out the replacement shroud has only one pin while the Palmer frame has two. Do I 1) remove the extra pilot pin or 2) leave it in and send the replacement barrel back to the factory to exchange it for something with 2 holes to match the 2 pins on the frame?
Also, my revolver works only on SA, not DA. I read something previously that the grip screw might be interfering with the works. Please let me know how to go about correcting these issues before I send this Palmer gun back to the factory.
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Yea I would just pull the top pin. Only a few 22 and 41 models had two pins that I have seen. You probably have a SAO gun as they were Palmer built. Just take off the grip and if it still is SAO that is what you have. I suppose it might just be messed up internally but SAO is more likely. Pics and serial # would help identify it. An inspection with the side plate off will tell you for sure. If you are a stickler for originality a SAO gun should have come with a ram on the barrel shroud. As far as I know all the SAO 22s had it. Others may have more and better info.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Good chance, since the barrel/shroud was not with the gun, that it is a Silhouette gun that had it's B/A sold or swapped out.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Am I missing something?
What you are missing or actually confusing is the grip screw problem normally prevents the DW from working SA and works DA only. A Silhoutte gun only works in SA only and not DA. At least I think I got that right. Now I'm
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
March 15, 2011
It might be an SAO gun. SN is 22S001165. It is a Palmer gun and it does have two locating pins vice one. It looks like the two sideplate hex screws got buggered up slightly. I suspect another former owner had the same questions and wanted to check it out his/her self. I'll have to look around for a camera. In the meantime, I may have to remove the second non-conforming pin since the new barrel only has one.
December 26, 2010
lbruce said:
Am I missing something?
What you are missing or actually confusing is the grip screw problem normally prevents the DW from working SA and works DA only. A Silhoutte gun only works in SA only and not DA. At least I think I got that right. Now I'm
Oops. Next thing you know, I'll think I'm left handed. Thanks LB.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
DW41Fan, box it up and send it to kansas! Darn SAO just is not the same! It should have come with 10"HV w/ram on end of ba. A person maybe able to convert it to DA with the corect parts. I have not removed the side plate odf my SAO one though need to at some poitn and compare,
Easy fix box and send to me!
sorry to do this but it has to be done!!!
January 24, 2009
SHOOTIST357 said:
I'll see if i can dig up the dual pin info.
Beat ya. LINK (post #7 about halfway down)
I'll slap the pics here too, just so we have pics in this thread. This is a 741...
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