January 13, 2009
I have a 15-2 with a standard non-vented 4” barrel and a vented 6” barrel. I had an 8” heavy vented barrel, but it just balanced wrong for me. What are your favorite barrel lengths for your DW and why? Just curious, I’m thinking about getting another barrel and wondering what your thoughts are. Thanks.
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Easy, all of them, that is the beauty of a DW. My normal everyday favorite is my VH4. Carries well shoots great and has a great balance to me. For serious target work or hunting I like a 8 inch, I don't really care if it is heavy or standard configuration as it will be rested on something but the VH has the best esthetics IMHO for those who care about such things. The only thing more sexy that a VH8 is a VH8 slotted, even though I have yet to aquire one.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
February 29, 2012
I would have to say that a 4 inch barrel length, in V or VH is my favorite. If it's a large frame Dan, with a long tube, in some cases a VH barrel can be too muzzle heavy for me.
A 4 inch barrel assembly is not too long for me, and not too short. It's about as small as I can go, and still retain a decent sight radius. I can wear a 4 inch easily on a long hike, standing, or even while sitting down in a vehicle. Longer barrels are more pleasant to shoot, but they get in the way during everyday tasks.
- Bullwolf
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
In a 15-2 I like a 6" either Vent or Vent Heavy. I find that length well balanced, not too heavy and very accurate out to 75 yards. In fact I like to shoot 6" even in 445 Supermag, it just feels good in the hand.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Easy answer for me,
I might still have a different BA around somewhere, but I only shoot 4VH. In my (very uninformed opinion) the two perfectly balanced and effective "fighting" handguns are the 4" .357 and the Government Model 1911.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
November 23, 2008
At home in ILLinois I always keep a 4 inch 15-2 handy. But I also have others with 2-10 inch barrels ready for whatever reason. If I could only have one then the 4 inch would be it. But happily there is no need for that sillyness.
My favorite carry length for my 41 and 45 Colt DW's is 4 inches also. But for hunting and range shooting I opt for the 6 inchers.
Mike in Peru
January 24, 2009
I can't say I have a favorite barrel length, mostly because different gun sizes feel better or worse with short or long barrels. Overall, I tend to steer more toward the longer 8" or 10" barrels, especially with single actions. To me, small frame DW's feel best with a 6" or 8" barrel, large frames feel perfect with an 8".
A lot of guys say that the longer barrel makes it feel nose heavy (especially on single action forums), but not to me. It's definitely a personal taste thing, with no definitive right/wrong answer.
February 21, 2011
I think its a matter of personal preference, rather than a cut & dried thing.
I bought a 6" VH originally. I wanted a 4" VH, but couldn't find one at the time, so I figured I'd just pick up a 4" as I went along. I didn't really look that hard it was just a "if one pops up, I'll grab it" kind of thing. Then, years later, I fired a friends with the 4" & it didn't feel "right" so I stuck with the 6".
If you're comfortable with it its the "right" one for you. I never was 100% comfortable with the factory target grips, then I got a Hogue wood monogrip & it was a much better fit for me.
Matthew Quigley on handguns:
“I said I never had much use for one. Never said
I didn't know how to use it.”
July 10, 2012
Hmmm, I guess i might be the odd man out lol.
I've alwas had a thing for revolvers, and my prefered has always been 4" ones. I dont do competition, shilloete, or long range shooting, just a casual / fun plinker. 4" guns, have, for the most part, felt good in my hand and looked the best to me.
That all changed though the day I laid eyes on my 715-FB, a 3" barreled beauty. for some reason, it just struck me as looking right, and the balance was like no other. With the heavier under-barrel lug, hot 357's are fun and a pleasure to shoot and make me grin like a little kid, while 38's are soft and can shoot all day with them. For the distances I shoot (7 to 15 yards), the 3" does great.
I do have to say that each role will give a different answer and the nice thing about the D.W.'s is that you can change them to fit each role, without buying a totally different gun.
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