Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Yea to me it's a fixed barrel gun with a low serial number. Without the serial number it would be a $1000 gun so and $200 to $400 I think on the very high side $1500 you cannot compare ot to a 7414 that's for sure. Do not get me wrong I like fixed barrels I really do. Especially the blue ones since the Palmer blue is so good and the later the year the better it got as the workers got better and they used newer compounds to polish the guns. He also needs to clean all the grease or whatever the coating is on the gun so the buyer will have to make sure there is nothing wrong with the finish under there in case all the years with the grease or stuff has done something to the finish. I just sold my most rare fixed barrel guns but only because I got the polished 744 fixed! Anyway I guess it's worth what someone will bid on it but this gun will be much harder to get high bids on in my opinion as the market for fixed barrel guns is much more narrow that a rare Supermag. I run across people that have no idea what a fixed barrel is in fact when I joined the forum I did not know either!


January 24, 2009


January 24, 2009

Nevermind, looking at GB tonight, I see SDI#21 up for grabs...
Let's see what this bids up to, I guess...

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Yep! Same gun out of the same collection. Looks new only the serial number is different. Still just a 44 mag fixed barrel to me. God would be a handful to shoot that gun! What a Dan Wesson dump this week by the way! Old Dan Wesson collectors keep on passing away and these collections keep flooding the market!

Stan, old collectors and shooters have been passing away for a decade or more. Big Bore in Idaho was selling Gates family and friends guns for years. I think some high prices have people thinking it is a good time to sell. They are pretty guns but a 21/2" 44 is more brutal than I want. That is like a 3" S&W Model 29.
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