June 16, 2013

Simply put, that most accurate handgun I have ever shot (except for my contender, but they don't really count).
It took a little sighting in, but MAN what a sweet shooting gun! Granted these were at only 15 yards, but Even at that range I don't usually get groups like this, not for a long time anyways. And this was with factory ammo.
So, I'm waiting for my 38/357 dies to arrive so I can start working up some loads with wadcutters. Any favorites out there? I currently have some 700x, 2400, 4227, and H110. I'm guessing the 700x should do nicely. May have to pick up some Unique as well.

March 27, 2013

Nice group! I've had good success with bullseye gf or my 38 wadcutters. Everywhere I look for loads guys are raving about 2400 and cast bullets so I'd look into that as well. I haven't found any 2400 lately so I haven't tried it. I will say that I don't like 4227 for 357's. it's dirty and leaves lots of unburnt powder.
Good luck finding a load that works for you.

June 16, 2013

That's interesting to hear you say that about 4227. I use the powders listed for my 45 Colt (and some Li'l Gun as well). The 4227 leaves so much unburned powder that it actually makes loading difficult (and that's saying something for a Ruger with their oversized cylider throats). I considered trying magnum primers but I think I will just use it in my lever guns. Suprisingly, 4227 shoots much cleaner in my '94 and '92.

June 25, 2013

Where I live there is a large Outdoor Supplier and after much searching around the state I find this store even in times of shortages has come through for me. They have had better connections than most for ammo and reloading supplies and has kept me shooting.
What I haven't come across is the powder I most want to try and that is IMR Traill Boss to use in 38 spl's.
So I took a chance on Winchesters Super Target cause at the time that what seemed to me to fill the bill. It seems to work quite well for the reduced loads and did finally see it mentioned in Lee's recipe for38 spl's 148 gr wadcutters.
Ihave loaded it 5 gr's for jsp 110 gr all the way down to 2.5 gr's for the wadcutters seems to work just fine for me for practices.
Clean, a little smoke and brass is not dirty at all. So I'm gonna use it up and the first time I see some Trail Boss I'm gonna get it.
But I really don't see it listed much at all?
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.

November 23, 2008

Greetings and Welcome to the 15-2 family.
Still have my first that I bought back in Chatanooga about 1979. The 15-2 is about the epitamy of a caliber .357 revolver to me. And wait till t you get shooting heavy bullets with powders like 296 or H110. You will only wonder why you waited so long to get a DW.
Mike in Peru


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

W/ 158 gr bullets, my 715 likes 5.2 gr of 700X and 16.6 gr of WIN 296 (H110). A word of caution, always start 10% lower than listed loads and work up while watching for trouble. If it doesn't fall into the MIN/MAX of published loads, then tread lightly. Oh- and have fun!
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

December 24, 2011

jdt81 said
So, I'm waiting for my 38/357 dies to arrive so I can start working up some loads with wadcutters. Any favorites out there? I currently have some 700x, 2400, 4227, and H110. I'm guessing the 700x should do nicely. May have to pick up some Unique as well.
Typically wadcutters shoot best with faster powders (Bullseye, Win231, etc) at lower speeds (between 800-900 fps).
I like the DEWC from Berry Mfg since they are plated and cut cleaning times. If you prefer lead, then Missouri Bullet has highly consistent products.

June 16, 2013

Thanks for all the replies re: loads and the congrats.
Wobbly, I just picked up some 158 gr TC bullets from Berry (no WC though) and some 158 gr cast SWC from Missouri. These days it's pretty much take what you can find. I feel lucky to have found what I did. Still looking for some WC. My policy now is when I see it I buy it. So far it has served me well, though the wifey may not agree.
Anyone have any experience with Tite Group powder? Picked some up a few days ago. I had heard it is supposed to work well in light loads and reportedly burns clean.
BTW, anyone know of another thread here discussing favorite loads? I searched and didn't come up with anything.

June 25, 2013

We've got a cast bullet maker up here in Michigan that cast some high quality ammo.
For the past month I have been able to buy quantity from a local sports outfitter called Jay's.
These bullets are hardened and cast perfectly. The appear to take pride in their product
For wadcutters I have been using a fast burning, double base, flattened ball powder, Winchester SuperTarget. It works quite well in 38 cases and 148gr WC's. It works out to about 800/900 fps.That is only because a couple of months ago it was hard to get anything else. But I am quite happy with WST. I have loaded it hot and it also works well in reduced loads. I'm still waiting on some IMR Trail Boss to show up mainly for the reduced loading and because it's a bulkier (is there such a word?) by volume will do quite well in .357 cases. There is so much extra space in both these cases. Another reason why I chose full wadcutters for practice and plinking.
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.
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