That would be one of the frame pins I was talking about. I have a bunch of them. It is easy enough to knock them out to the right and install new ones. It may be that one was installed too deep and a little tap to push it out a smidgeon, reassemble, then tap it back would solve the problem if that is it.
January 24, 2009
June 13, 2022
I finally made it back to range yesterday after receiving my 15-2 back from DW. They fixed everything and cleaned. Let’s just say I couldn’t be happier with the revolver.
They re-centered the leg to fix the off center primer strike. Replaced the bolt to correct the timing and lockup.
June 13, 2022
3ric said
Awesome news, Jay!! We’ve had some unusual cases in the past, but this issue has never come up before that I know of. So glad Kieth was able to make the repairs, and that you are finally able to fully enjoy your DW!
Thanks 3ric!
Any idea how that could happen? The guy was malfunctioning when I bought it.
October 17, 2017
Impossible to know for sure, but Ole Dog alluded to the possibility that it was extensively “Bogarted” (swinging the cylinder shut with a hard flick of the wrist like we sometimes see in those old movies from the 30’s). It could also have been dropped with the cylinder open, but that would likely have left a mark somewhere on the gun. The history of our DW’s we buy used is always a mystery. If my DW were a car, it would have four million miles on it, all drag racing. Really beat up, but I’ve been able to bring it back to very good working order with some helpful advice from other members here on the forum, and a lot of hard work. We’ll worth the effort.
June 13, 2022
3ric said
Impossible to know for sure, but Ole Dog alluded to the possibility that it was extensively “Bogarted” (swinging the cylinder shut with a hard flick of the wrist like we sometimes see in those old movies from the 30’s). It could also have been dropped with the cylinder open, but that would likely have left a mark somewhere on the gun. The history of our DW’s we buy used is always a mystery. If my DW were a car, it would have four million miles on it, all drag racing. Really beat up, but I’ve been able to bring it back to very good working order with some helpful advice from other members here on the forum, and a lot of hard work. We’ll worth the effort.
Good info, thanks!
I’m just trying to prevent what someone else did.
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