December 18, 2010
Hey all, i'm in CNY here. Proud owner of a 744 (bought it for my wife to hunt with) 8" bbl. I'll post the serial # up in a later post to get the exact year ect..
I love it, she loves it. Want another one! I'm going to order a bbl wrench from CZ. But BBL wise, did DW ever make a 2.5" for the 744??? I am thinking if they did it would be really close with the extractor rod as to whether the shroud would be long enough.
She really wants a .44 snubby for her purse when she's in the mood and just for fun. I told her she may have to just go with a .357 though to get into a snubby. Which is fine because I also have a .357 on my short list for 2011 purchases.
August 28, 2009
Welcome to the forum. DW never made a 2.5" bbl. for the .44 cal. revolver. If you really wanted one, possibley EWK can make one when he is ready to start producting shrounds and barrels (look to the right of this post). He also makes a superior wrench which you may be interested in as well. The large-frame .44 may be a bit big and heavy for a ccw or a purse gun but if that is your preference then EWK would be your best bet for a 2.5" shroud. For a light, compact ccw revolver, I would without hesitation recommend a S&W mod. 360PD. Its frame is constructed of scandium with a titanium cylinder and weighs in at 12 oz. It's a bear to control with heavy .357 loads, but is great with lighter loads as well as .38spl. The model has been discontinued for this year but is still available in the retail market. The same model in a hammerless version, the 340PD, is still in current production.
December 18, 2010
I was looking at the add to the right >>>>
I hadnt had a chance to click on it yet. That would be awsome if he made a 2.5" barrel and shroud for the 744!! I will look into his wrench too. I'de rather give an independant business the $$ instead of CZ. Probably get a sight from him too. My wife commented that while the gun is extremely accurate she doesnt care for the front blade.
As for a purse gotta know my wife. She wouldnt try and CCW it on her person though. Anyone know how long before EWK would be producing 2.5"??
I have her currently looking at the ruger SP101 in 357. I spend alot of time at the ruger forum but found this forum today. I really love the DW stuff. I dont care alot for S&W except for maybe the 629's, 29's ect.. I'm pretty much a ruger guy for revolvers. But I do like the DW stuff a great deal. Looks and performance.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
You gotta check in to the model 14-2s even the early 14's for a carry piece! These you can change out barrels as with the 44 you now have! see members collections for the different types guy around have. i just got rid of a Ruger Red hawk and picked up 2 early like Dan's (High Standards). My girl friend has the LCR and it is a bit much on recoil so opted for a 714!
Welcome enjoy and ask away! EWK has some great stuff over there! Show us your Dan as soon as you can!
October 13, 2009
Welcome Ledyard! I'm also on the Ruger forum too-ya' know part of that mile long stainless Bearcat EJR housing thread. Anyway, I'm not sure on the time frame on the .44 2.5" barrel, but that is one of the ones that are at the top of list! Really appreciate being willing to send the $$$ this way, it will get put to good use!!!
January 24, 2009
harly said:
...DW never made a 2.5" bbl. for the .44 cal. revolver...
Actually, they did make a few in the Palmer plant...Fixed Barrels. I've only seen two so far, so it's not like they exactly grow on trees, but they are out there now & then.
The seller finally got $780 out of this one on GB recently. He started out at $1K.
January 24, 2009
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