hay i went in to a gun shop today and thay have a old dan wesson 44 mag 10inch and it is mint and its $700 can you guys tell me if its a good deal or not i just cant find any thing online on if its a good deal or not i realy hope you guys can hellp me out-it looks like this 1 but its blued and its got wooden grips and it comes with a take down tool

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

April 25, 2008

Man, that is a nice .44 there! Personally, I think the price is a little high, but I'm not that up on the auction averages as much as some of these guys are. $500 would be a good price for a used gun, maybe $600 for new, in my opinion. The thing with "worth" or "value", it is a subjective thing. Some folks are willing to pay a lot more for a gun than others would. I feel if YOU are willing to pay a certain amount for a gun, then it is a good deal.
I admit paying more for some guns than they were normally worth, but I just had to have it at the time, and I had the money. Mostly, I try to restrain myself for better deals by being patient. Sure is hard to do though!
The Savantist

June 5, 2008

Having a 744 myself and having several S&W N frame revolvers I would rather have the DW any day of the week for real use. The S&W make prettier safe queen's however.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
With it being blued I would think somewhere around $500 to $600. The gun would need to be in LNIB condition for me to think about going as high as $600.
But as others have said it's all in what you want.
If it was on an auction site it could very well go higher than that or lower depending on the day!
This is a commemorative 44 Mag... There is a very small market for these guns.
If you are looking at one that is not engraved then it's a model 44 which the Blue Book of Gun Values puts a value in 100% condition which means new and unfired at $375.00. The gun above has a vented shroud which is normally not as preferred as the vent heavy shroud.
Hope this helps.

June 5, 2008

Jody I will take two, maybe three of those $375 15's or 44's for sure. Haven't seen one sell in that range now for about 5 years, and most likely never will again.
Like I said I would not trade my 744, 715, 15 or 722 for any S&W of equal caliber and barrel size. I would sell my S&W 48 K22 Target Masterpiece long before I would my 722 for sure and actually have been.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian

February 2, 2009

$375 is what Gander Mtn will give for a DW 44 in trade towards a new gun. $700 seems a little high; check the auction sites. I would go as high as $600 or slightly more; if it's really a cherry. The 10" barrel adds about $50 to the going price, even the vent light; which was an extra cost for the light shroud.
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