May 29, 2011
Just bought a DW model 715. It is in great condiditon and has 2 barrels, 2.5" and 6". Barrel tool and barrel gapper plus 4 grips, large DW, small DW, Packmeyer and Hogue. Also came with 200 rounds of 357 ammo. Paid $450 for all of it. How did I do?
Also, I want to know any info about the gun available.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
I think you did very well on your purchase. That 2 1/2" is from a 714, which has a fixed rear sight and a pinned front blade that is not interchangeable. This may give you some Point of Impact issues since it has a much lower sight than the 715 front
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Dans Club
DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010
I think you did very well on that one. The pistol alone I think is worth at least what you paid, all the rest are great bonuses. Like Steve said, the short barrel with the lower front sight is for a fixed sight model, it will work on your 715 but might shoot high.
By serial # I would say it was made in the early '80s. Lots of other info available here on DWF, look around and if you have any specific questions there are a lot of knowledgeable guys to answer them.
Congrats on a great buy, and welcome to
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
First to the . I would say you done good! And I would shoot the short barrel to see how far off point of aim is before I made any changes. Hopefully the only change required will be a taller front sight, if you are lucky you may get away with heavy adjustment on the rear sight, depending on your ammo choice and your sight picture style.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
January 24, 2009
I agree with these guys, you did good with that purchase price. I think Lonwolf is right with the manufacture date, there's a Jan. 1983 magazine article regarding the "new" 715's, that shows a s/n very close to yours. So, going by that, I'd say that a 1983 date would be an easy assumption.
May 29, 2011
Thanks to everyone for the info on my 715 and for the welcomes to the Forum. I really appreciate the 2.5" barrel comments. I wondered why the 2 barrels had different frnt sights. The former owner told me he was shooting high with the shorter barrel so it all makes sense now. It came with the shorter barrel and I switched it while cleaning it the first time cause I like the bigger gun look of the 6" barrel.
Question; Is the site the only difference? Are the barrel and shroud identical on both models?
Dans Club
DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010
The barrels and nut for a fixed rear sight or an adjustable sight gun would be the same. The shrouds for for adjustable sights generally have a set screw in the end that allows easy removal of the front sight, whereas the fixed sight shrouds have pinned in shorter sights, and the top rib is machined a bit lower also.
I'd shoot it and see if you can lower the rear sight enough to compensate, the short 2 1/2" barrel is for close work anyway. 715's look right with the 6" vent barrel.[Image Can Not Be Found]
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