February 21, 2012

Whilst swapping grips on my 15-2, I realized that the mainspring seat had backed out, and the top two threads are bunged up (the threads that go into the frame). A friend of mine is going to help me clean up the threads and get it working again, but I need to know how far I'm supposed to thread the mainspring seat in. Also, should I use red loctite on it, or should I tack weld it back in?
Can anyone post photos of their 15-2 with the grip off so I can see how far your mainspring seat is in? Also, where the factory tack weld is?
Thanks all!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

This is the "Go To" place for what is happening inside your small frame DW:
There are several photos here that give guidance on the question you have, but
Tack weld-NOT! I think this is a staked item, and I think it wants to be not permanently installed.
FYI to everyone, the Average Joe Tune Up is such a great resource that it is in the process of being put into "Presentation Quality" format and will be a sidebar/stand alone resource on DWF.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I did not know that, but I would just not tack weld anything that I might want to service/replace. My reply was based more on what I think makes sense, and if the method of attachment changed going into the 15-2, well ...
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 27, 2010

Steve CT said:
I did not know that, but I would just not tack weld anything that I might want to service/replace. My reply was based more on what I think makes sense, and if the method of attachment changed going into the 15-2, well ...
I agree I wouln't tack weld either but thats how some where done from
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