January 30, 2011
I recently acquired a gorgeous Dan Wesson .44 mag and I want to change the 4" barrel over to a 6" one. As per suggestions from others in a previous thread, I ordered the barrel wrench and gap gague from EWK and it should be arriving today.
My question is, when I remove the old barrel and install the new one, should I be gapping this with the hammer back or not? Also I've read somewhere that the gap should be .6mm. Is this correct? Thanks guys!
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
The hammer position is pretty much irrelevant. Hammer down is probably best, IMHO.
The factory-correct gap for the .44 is .006. However, many of us us a smaller gap. The SuperMags came with a .002 gapping shim. I set all of my Dan's at .002.
However, be careful. The front faces of the cylinders of Monson and Palmer guns are almost never flat. What this means is that you have to set your gap using the tightest cylinder position.
Set your gap then rotate the cylinder to each of the 5 other positions making sure that the shim fits for all of them. If it doesn't fit at one position, re-gap at that position and then rotate through all the other positions.
This will prevent the cylinder from siezing up against the barrel due to heat expansion as the gun is fired.
Enjoy and .
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
shotbyadam said:
Also I've read somewhere that the gap should be .6mm. Is this correct? Thanks guys!
I'm not metric enough to convert .6mm. Make sure you are converting correctly from the advice Mike has provided in inches.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
Guys, sorry I missed the millimeter designation in shotbyadam's post; 0.6mm is equal to 0.023622 inches or roughly 3.937 times the maximum gap (0.006 inches) that DW specifies.
Get a set of automotive feeler guages and use anything from .002 to .006 so you don't hurt yourself, or wait until you receive the correct 0.006 gauge from Eric.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
Shotby, I set all mine to the factory .006" never had a problem so far. Now you know the gap is set between barrel and front of cylinder, so hammer would not have anything to do with it. If you don't want the 4" let me know as iI need another!
Stay tuned and good questions are fun to see!
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