Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
August 16, 2010
I'm not much help, that's what I would have said. Only way to know if it's the pistol is to lock it into a pistol vise and shoot it.
Things to look at:
Sight picture - is your sight picture to target consistent, smooth, and maintain the same point of aim
Sight alignment - are your sight blades even across the tops
Grip – are you squeezing with ANY portion of your hand
Anticipation – are you anticipating the recoil and pushing up or pulling down
Barrel length – are you using the barrel length that would have been on from factory
Trigger – are you producing identical results with double action pull and single action pull
Head/shoulder position – are you dropping your head or sagging your shoulders
Stance – are you squared up to the target or are you using a bladed stance, are you in a Weaver or isocolese triangle with your arms
These should give you an idea of things that might be user related. As I mentioned above, pistol vise is required to know if it's actually the firearm.
August 17, 2010
I shot 3, 1/2 inch groups (3 shots each) all had a dead center line 6" high. These were shot from a rest and set with consistent sight picture. As for my form I have no Ideas I did not video myself. This gun was my grandfathers (game warden) service revolver., He shot it a lot and it shows it. He later developed Alzheimer's and placed this gun in his jeep and forgot it. I found it and have tried to restore it to the best condition possible. I guess as long as it shoots straight I can adjust for POI! Thanks for the input and I am going to get some practical instruction on my form just to be sure!!!
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
First to the . As for shooting high have you tried a few different types of ammo? Also a taller front sight will push the shots down. Don't take this wrong but are you sure of the model, a picture would help, and mis-matched gun to shroud can change POI considerably, but it usually goes the other way. Hang around long enough and someone here will help you get it worked out. Lots of good helpful folks here.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
January 24, 2009
I bet that it will shoot differently with a lighter bullet. Just for kicks, try some ammo near the 110gr area & see how it performs. Then adjust your bullet weight from there, until you find one the gun likes.
That's pretty neat that you have your grandfather's gun, got any you'd like to share?
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