February 14, 2019
So looking on Dan Wesson's store, I found this. https://shop.cz-usa.com/b-a-blued-22lr-4-inch.html
February 14, 2019
I may buy it and see. I just purchased the 2.5" 357 barrel and shroud, and the 2.5" 22lr barrel. I have read the shrouds are interchangeable, and I can't find a 22lr 2.5" shroud. My hope is that I will be able to use their 22lr barrel and their 357 shroud. that will give me a 6" and a 2.5" option. for another $190 I may get the other one too. probably wont be long before it can not be purchased anymore.
screw it, I just bought it. if I could go back in time and tell myself to buy other things like this when I could still get them I would do it. I don't want to be 3 years out kicking myself for not buying it when I had the chance.... I will post what I get when it comes in.
Dans Club
February 24, 2013
In the future, contact Bob Collins at bob@cz-usa.com. He’s the Dan Wesson lead something-or-other, maybe development engineer. Good guy, very responsive.
February 14, 2019
KurtB said
In the future, contact Bob Collins at bob@cz-usa.com. He’s the Dan Wesson lead something-or-other, maybe development engineer. Good guy, very responsive.
good to know thanks
Dans Club
February 24, 2013
August 8, 2016
KurtB said
In the future, contact Bob Collins at bob@cz-usa.com. He’s the Dan Wesson lead something-or-other, maybe development engineer. Good guy, very responsive.
Smoore said
KurtB said
In the future, contact Bob Collins at bob@cz-usa.com. He’s the Dan Wesson lead something-or-other, maybe development engineer. Good guy, very responsive.
good to know thanks
Bob is the revolversmith. Genny is the operation manager and handles parts sales etc. Genny@cz-usa.com.
You can buy the 2.5" 22lr assembly from Genny. I got a 2.5" from them a couple years ago.
Dans Club
February 24, 2013
February 14, 2019
Thanks for the contact email. I am not sure if they still have barrels and shrouds and don’t have them listed. I already ordered the other things though and they should work. Not sure if I can cancel the order on the 357 barrel and shroud for the 22 version if they have it. I will send them and email, but I am guessing it is probably too late to change it, and I don’t want to buy another set.
August 8, 2016
Smoore said
Thanks for the contact email. I am not sure if they still have barrels and shrouds and don’t have them listed. I already ordered the other things though and they should work. Not sure if I can cancel the order on the 357 barrel and shroud for the 22 version if they have it. I will send them and email, but I am guessing it is probably too late to change it, and I don’t want to buy another set.
Do not go by the CZ/DW website for what’s in stock. Basically they offer 22lr, 357 mag, 357 max, 44 mag, and 445 mag barrel assemblies from 2.5" to 10" direct from DW in NY state. They’re almost made to order it seems. Just email genny for future purchases.
I would call CZ tomorrow to see if you can cancel the order if that’s what you’d prefer. They take a bit to ship so you may have time. CZ is in Kansas FYI regarding time zones. Not sure where you are.
February 14, 2019
So it has shipped already. I can pay to ship it back, or I can buy just a 22lr shroud for $105. As it is, I can use the extra 357 barrel, but not the shroud unless it in on the 22. I don't want to pay to ship it back, and I don't think it saying 357 vs 22lr will bother me enough to spend the extra $105.
Dans Club
February 24, 2013
February 14, 2019
I pr
KurtB said
Thanks for sharing the info, I want to buy a 722LR VH pack someday.
I probably paid more than I should have but it was local and I didn’t have to worry about shipping ect. Paid 900 for the never fired 22lr with the 6” barrel. Gun was rated 99% blueing by the gun shop. So I am a little over $1325 for the gun and a 2.5” barrel a 4” barrel and a 6” barrel.
on the positive side since they ship from Kansas, tracking shows I will have the barrels tomorrow.
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