October 11, 2009

After listening to a commentary on SOTG last year about a possible ammo shortage. I decided to start stocking up on 22 LR ammo and buying reloading components when I found them on sale at Wal-Mart and gun shows. I would buy at least a couple of bricks a week and ordered my primers and bullets through Midway USA. I had pounds of powder already put away. My wife and friends thought me silly for doing this. And now after a few visits to Wal-Mart and Gander Mountain and such. I don't feel so silly. The only ammo I did not stock pile were shotgun rounds. But there are plenty of those still on the shelves. But I have been grabbing those lately. But I watch in sadness how a group of grown adults will follow a shopping cart with ammo in it to try and get their ration's worth of 22's. I still grow a garden every year and my wife and sister break out and boil the old Mason jars for canning every year just like our mothers and grandmothers did. Bean's, tomatoes, jelly's, kraut etc. A friend raises hogs and slaughters and makes sausage and such every winter. And the "Girl's" can that also. We all have fireplaces and wood burning stove's. We "Boy's get together and split wood for the winter in case of an ice storm and power outages. Without having a still, if we could figure out how to refine our own gasoline, we would be set. Not thumbing my nose at the younger generation. But it does pay to listen and learn the old ways of doing things. I have seen over the years younger folks thought it silly and a waste of their valuable time to "Roll" your own ammo and stock up for "Hard Time's." It don't seem so silly now.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

You were wise stocking up. I just bought a used reloader last September, and with taking time to learn what I was doing, and sidetracked by going deer hunting in the fall I got a slow start. I tried to buy small amounts of components and experiment, but now I wish I'd got going sooner. A lot of things are scarce around here now so I wish I had more stocked up.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

I hear you. I am from some of that "younger median age" generation, but taught with plenty of old generation wisdom from the parents and grandparents. On ammo, my boys always thought I was somewhat odd for always buying some sort of ammo on every trip to the gun store, even it was just one box of SD ammo or a brick of .22LR of some variety. Now they wish they had done the same in some cases.
Timing can be somewhat magical at times. This fall I decided it would be good for each son to have a case of the three important ammos for their rifles. This was in early October that I decided to shop for Christmas. I bought two cases of 5,000 .22LR, two cases of XM193, 5.56 and two cases of 12-gauge shotgun shells.
At the time Christmas rolled around and they unwrapped the gifts, yes real redneck gifts they were, The value of the items at minimum had doubled.
I am a perpetual ammo and reloading supply hoarder, it is just part of who I am. It has had its benefits latelty though.
Good topic and philosophy.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

November 23, 2008

When I went through tank commander school the sargent in charge would start most sessions by saying "logistics, Logistics, LOGISTICS". It sort of stuck.
I watched what happened when Clinton was elected. Fortunately I had primers, powder and molds already. About 18 months ago I had my shooting pard be sure we were well stocked on those basics. When I got home last June to ILLinois there were cases of primers, powder and lead aplenty.
Funny how people find it so easy to plan ahead for vacations and let very important things just ly idle. Mike in Peru

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

To underscore the situation as regards ammo and reloading supplies, I went to a big gunshow this weekend. I was mainly looking for ammo and supplies. Primers I was able to get at fairly reasonable price from an FFL friend of mine. Ammo, that was a different story. There was alot of 5.56 but at $17-20+ per box of 20. 22lr $50-70 per 500 for regular (non match grade) stuff! A few weeks ago match ammo wasn't any more than that. All the rest of the ammo was up in price from the Christmas show I attended. I did manage to score a nice selection of once fired brass in some of my more obscure calibers like 41 mag, 32 H&R mag and 32-20.
I'm like SMF, I usually grab a box of something when ever I'm at the LGS or even Wally World.
My daughters say 'you know you're a redneck when you make a trip to Wally World just for ammo'. Oh well....
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
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