March 10, 2010

As most of you already know, 445 supermag brass has all but dried up completely and Starline has them indefinately backordered until they reach enough prepaid orders to meet their 30,000 piece minimum qouta for another production run. I ordered 1000 brass last month for just under $300 bucks with free shipping. If we can get 15-20 other people to place a similar order Starline will go back into production and the brass shortage will be over. I posted a similar message on the Gary Reeder Custom Gun Forum earlier today. Here's what I need you guys to do. If you can afford to place an order please do so, even a 100 piece order will help us out. If you are sitting on brass and you don't need any, or if you simply can't afford to order some, please go out and post a message like mine on other gun related forums to make other people aware of the problem. If we work together on this we can get the brass back into production as soon as possible. Do I have any willing participants?
As a side note, the brass can be made from 30-40 Krag brass. I used to make 475 Wildey brass from the 284 winchester. Trust me when I say that it's a lot of work. I know the tricks to make the process go quicker but the $400 plus cost of case forming dies, and need to turn the rims down in a lathe is more than I'm willing to deal with if I can help it. And if the reformed brass is anything like the 475 brass that I used to make, it will be inferior to what Starline has produced. So let's get together and get starline back into production before this years deer season kicks in. Otherwise I'll be forced to put myself through the costly and miserable task of making my own, and many of you will be right behind me.
In case you are wondering, this is how it works.
1. You raise the brass into a cut off die where you cut the top of the case off with a hack saw.
2. You then ream and trim the rough stuff off of the new case mouth.
3. You then expand the inside of the case neck in an expander die.
4. You then raise the case up into the reamer die and then hand ream it out using a tap wrench. I used to use a Duwalt 1/2" drill at 450 RMP to ream my cases out. They recommend against it but it works great. Just add a little drop of Lyman case lube to the reamer die to reduce heat and die wear.
5. Next you have to clean up and trim that case to the correct length. If you have the 475 wildey your work is finish. If you have a 445, the worse is yet to come.
5. The case rim if the 30-40 Krag is too big to fit the cylinder on the Dan Wesson so you have to buy a hobby lathe from Harbor freight orf pay someone to turn the case rims down for you. You might be able to drop a piece of a wood dowel rod down into the case for support and then lightly lock the case into a drill chuck. Then you can grind the case rim against a stationary abrasive stone such as a grinding wheel. The rims will not be exact this way but they will fit the revolver cylinder. If you grind too much they won't fit into your shell holder forcing you to start all over again.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

It appears that gunaccessories may have some in stock, I'll let you know if they send me a backordered status…
Best Regards,
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....


January 24, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Disregard gunaccessories.com: "We apologize but the item/items you ordered is/are not available. We have cancelled your order and refunded your credit card IF it has been charged. We apologize for the inconvenience."
D00M got his during the benefit auction for 44MAG on the Specialty Pistols forum, so no leads there either...
Back to square one: flood Starline w/ orders...
Best Regards,
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

October 11, 2009

Actually, I found 400 cases or so on GunsAmerica and bought all the person had.
If someone is truly in need.....as in you can't shoot cause you have no brass, I will be happy to loan you 50 cases, when this dry spell is over you replace the cases....I don't want 50 fired cases back...LOL all I ask is you pay the shipping. $5.00 flat rate.
Again if you can not shoot your 445 SM due to lack of cases, I can loan you 50 till you get some. If I get 83 requests I may only be able to loan 25 or 15 or even 5. So please only you fellas that can't shoot due to brass jump on this....



Dans Club
February 22, 2009


January 24, 2009

January 17, 2010

Wow guess I was real lucky finding a bag of 300 earlier this year at a small local shop just sitting around. Bought them all and bought them cheap.
I treat them like diamonds and even shed a tear when I boogered one.
Ya could shoot regualr 44 maggies....but then again thats like putting a wing and fart can on a neon and thinking its fast. The SM boom in nice.
Neat offer by doom. been seeing more and more gun guys helping each other out....there are tools and such being passed around on 6.8 forum. sweet.
Where is starline? I would like to go there and trade in the one I have with no primer hole.
"experience is the hardest teacher, the test comes before the lesson"

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

I've got 35 nickel plated 30-40 Krag cases that have been resized to 445. If they've been fired more than once, then I miss my guess. They really appear to be in excellent condition. They came in the box with my 445 when I bought it.
If you are interested, PM me with an offer. Add $5.00 for USPS Priority Mail.

March 10, 2010

I did find a source of loaded 445 ammo in 265 grain LBT wide flat nose, and 310 grain LBT wide flat nose. I bought 100 of them and hopefully when I get some more cash I can buy another 2 boxes so I have enough. If anyone is interested pm me. I would post it but under the circumstances it would better to keep this under wraps. So just ask me in a pm and I'll hook you right up with the website. A box of 50 costs $58 bucks plus $15 shipping. It's cheap and you can reload them!

May 26, 2010

Just when I was ready to place my order at Starline... out of the blue I was offered 370 rounds of loaded .445 ammo in Starline brass for $160.00 shipped. Ummm... it took me about five seconds to take the deal.
Manna from heaven is always welcome.
I'm still gonna place that Starline order because we have to bust up the game here.
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