November 8, 2008
Will another model# "pork chop" barrel and shroud fit a model 11?
What I am looking at is a barrel and shroud, over the net, and not sure if it will be compatable with a model 11 frame. It has the same down turn shroud and a dimple that should line up but the owner does not have the nut and so I am not certain if it is an external or flush fit type nut.
Any suggestions?
February 23, 2008
As far as I can tell, all the pork chop shroud/barrel combinations are interchangeable. I have a DW Model 12 with a 4" barrel, which is basically a Model 11 with adjustable sights. It uses the external nut. I found a 6" pork chop shroud and barrel for a Model 15 (not 15-2) that uses the recessed internal nut and it fits on the Model 12 just fine. Looks a bit different, and the bluing doesn't exactly match, but it works.
I can also install the Model 12 barrel/shroud/nut onto a Model 15 frame. Looks equally weird (but works).
You can't mix the shrouds, barrels, and nuts though. They have to be kept together as a set. I can't use the barrel nut from my Model 12 on the Model 15 barrel and shroud, for instance.
A bigger concern is to not use barrels and shrouds made for adjustable sight guns on frames with fixed sights. The point of impact will be way low.
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