November 15, 2015
My recent 14-1 purchase has a broken firing pin.Looking at schematics online for model 12's, 14's and 15's has left me a little bit confused. the firing pin in my 14-1 looks like the one in the model 12 schematic(with the pin at one end and a cylinder shape with a flat on top that allows the firing pin retaining pin pass over the flat to capture the firing pin) and the schematic for the model 14 shows a different firing pin. Are these firing pins compatible ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks , splash
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
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Dans Club
December 4, 2011
November 15, 2015
Well I received my parts today from Numrich, and lo and behold after installing a new firing pin and spring it seems that the pins may be compatible between some model of .357 Dans but not all. the pin I received is stated to be for a model 14 but it seems that it may fit 14-2,15-2 but not the earlier pork chop 14, 14-1, 15 ,15-1 models. While I was able to install it, the striker did not protrude nearly enough perhaps 1/32 and ran out of travel.So I'm back to square one,searching for the correct part or an alternative solution. Any ideas any one. splashnavy
December 3, 2015
splashnavy said
UP DATED INFO!! model 15-2 firing pins will work in earlier models but must be modified to protrude enough to reliably strike the primer. THE LATE MODEL PINS HAVE A TAPER AND USE A TAPERED SPRING, THE EARLY MODELS USE A STRAIGHT PIN AND SPRING ( 14-1, 15-1 AND EARLIER ) .
So what does the modification involve? How was it performed?
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