February 4, 2014
Good afternoon DW forum! I recently bought a Monson-made 15-2 (serial #1409XX, which I think puts it in ~1978 mfg) and it's acting wonky. I haven't even shot it yet, so I'm a little disappointed. I had put some snap caps in it earlier and fired from single-action only a few times when all of a sudden the hammer won't stay back... it just falls and pushes the trigger forward (in other words, the firing pin does NOT protrude). Double action works, but the break is terrible.
Using a guide on youtube I disassembled it (just took the side plate off really) and nothing appears broken. I'm assuming whatever surface the hammer rests upon the trigger is worn out? How can one gauge that kind of wear, and which surface is more likely to blame, trigger or hammer? Lastly, is this anything I could fix without buying new parts? I'm not a gunsmith at all but I have worked with lathes and mills for years and I'm familiar with the insides of a lot of different guns, just not DWs. If I need to cut a new ledge on a part, that's easy. On the other hand, I'm wary of home gunsmithing to save a few bucks... the risk of a "kaboom" isn't worth it for me (my job requires my hands to be at 110%), so give it to me straight.
I can't post pictures until tomorrow (I'm not off work til 7 tomorrow morning), but if you all think it would be helpful I definitely will once I can. If this is a common enough problem that you can guesstimate what's gone wrong without pictures, please let me know what you're thinking!
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
First off, welcome to the forum from PA, you've come to the right place for all things Dan Wesson. Now, before you tear the gun apart any further, I have a suggestion. If you have it apart now, you will need to have the side plate on to do this. Many problems with Dan Wesson FTF stem from the grip screw being over tightened. That scew threads into the mainspring housing and if installed too far will cause binding with cocking problems, light primer strikes and so forth. So, after you have the gun buttoned up, put the grip on without the screw and try dry firing it and see if the problem persists. If not, you've found your problem. Just install the screw tight enough to keep the grip snug. There are two different length screws, one for larger target grips and a shorter one for smaller, round butt styles. If a long scew is used with a small grip, it will go in too far. You can either go the the hardware store and get a small machine screw, or put a few small washers under the screw head.
If the grip screw isn't the problem, then I'll refer you to this thread 'the Average Joe tune-up'
This will allow you do tear the gun down and replace parts and have it working like new. It sounds like you are more than up to the task skill wise so this should be well within your abilities. Thats the great thing about Dan's, they are very simple, robust and easy to fix yourself. If you do need parts, EWK Arms, a member here has many small parts and springs (see the ad on left side bar). You can also get parts direct from Dan Wesson in Norwich NY.
Pics will help us so post when you can, besides, we like !
Good luck and keep us posted. Others will be along to offer more info I'm sure.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
You have gotten the BEST POSSIBLE advice from SCORPIO. Even if you do not change any parts or do any polishing, a thorough interior clean up and grip screw management does more for 99% of 15-2/715's than you can possibly imagine.
This is the first of the "baby steps". I don't know what you are seeing on "screw tube", trust a bunch of DW "old timers"
Go the Average Joe route first, it has saved members here untold dollars in gunsmith $$$
And, Welcome
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officer
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July 2, 2011
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February 16, 2013
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May 2, 2009
I own more than a fair share of "used" and "beater" DW's -- none of them has ever needed a part replaced due to wearing out (other than springs).
If your firing pin is not being struck, there is an issue with the transfer bar movement--sounds like a thorough cleaning is in order.
I guarantee you are more than capable of tearing down the DW internals !!!
January 24, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
February 4, 2014
Thanks for the replies! I appreciate it!
The grip screw is not the problem; the hammer fails to stay locked back when manually cocked, no matter what. I've taken a series of pictures and uploaded them to this album (though now they're not in the right order... thanks, imgur!):
The first picture has a red circle around the shelf on the trigger which keeps the hammer from falling. I believe it may be at fault. I don't know whether this fault lies mostly in the hammer side, trigger side, or both. From how I understand the model 15's internals, the trigger return spring could also play a part, if it were too weak from repeated cycling (springs do, after all, lose strength over cycles, though I am not convinced that this is my problem).
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
February 4, 2014
SHOOTIST357 said
I'd have to go look at a stock trigger to verify, but it looks like someone has done some serious metal removal on your trigger engagement surfaces...SHOOT
Dang, I was worried that was the case. I've not had good luck finding close up pictures of the stock trigger/hammer surfaces. Could you take a couple, or direct me to any that already exist that you know of?
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Yep- I just looked at one I have apart (of course) and agree with Shoot. Pic to follow...
Easier to just post a link:
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
February 4, 2014
I took a couple more pictures of the trigger. It really does look like someone took a file to it. The rearmost part still has black finish on it.
Is the consensus that I need a new trigger? Are there any places that actually stock one, or am I stuck with the auction sites? I'm off to check Numrich... any other places you all can suggest I look?
Thanks again!
Call Dan Wesson, they sell parts and service guns. A recent post had the contact info and names. Ebay is possible but you don't know what your getting. In the archives is a 2009 DW price list that is still operative. If I knew how I would post the links but others will di it soon.
January 20, 2014
Ole Dog said
Call Dan Wesson, they sell parts and service guns. A recent post had the contact info and names. Ebay is possible but you don't know what your getting. In the archives is a 2009 DW price list that is still operative. If I knew how I would post the links but others will di it soon.
Parts: (607) 336-1174 (ext # 21)
Service-Repairs: (607) 336-1174 (ext # 24)
Keith .... keith@cz-usa.com
RKP (Rich)
Dans Club
December 5, 2008
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
February 4, 2014
Hi all, sorry for dredging up this old topic but I wanted to document some closure!
Snake-eye graciously sent me a trigger (before asking for payment!) and thankfully it was exactly what I needed. I have since shot the revolver and it is definitely my favorite. I love the extra distance between the rear and front sights compared to the 4" barreled 681 I'm used to shooting! So far my best 3-shot group has been 1.3" at 7 yards but I think I can tighten it up a bit if I use factory ammo (instead of the range's reloads). I'll be shooting again this Sunday, so hopefully I can see just how well this DW can shoot!
Thanks again for all the help; I'm truly appreciative of the community here and I hope I can do something in the future to pay back or pay forward the generosity I've been shown!
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