February 21, 2011
I broke a piece off my DW357. I need help on the nomenclature. I think it is called the strut. It is a half circle piece of steel on the left side of the pistol. It is just behind the trigger and is right next to the cylinder when the cylinder is swung out of the pistol. It sticks out slightly from the frame.
I think it is item 47 on this diagram.
Do I have the right item?
Thanks in advance.
October 26, 2008
part #47 is the double action strut, it is mounted on the hammer. if what you're describing is correct the piece is on the sideplate and stops the cylinder from sliding back when you extract the cartridges. I believe DW calls it a cylinder stop. Dan Wesson is probably the best place to send it to, so it gets fixed properly.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
If you are describing the small tab on the sideplate that stops the cylinder from sliding to the rear when you eject the brass, it is the cylinder stop. This is not originally a "part" in the Dan Wesson. If you still have it you can remove the sideplate and secure it back in place on the sideplate with locktite or some adhesive. If it's lost, you can order one from DW/CZ.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
February 21, 2011
I got back from out of town and took it apart. The cylinder stop fell out because the side plate has broken in two where the cylinder stop goes in. Is there a market for side plates? I checked Numrich and Gunbroker but no luck. I have emailed CZ-USA and am waiting on their reply. Any body got an extra they want to sell?
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
It's repairable, I'd hate to see an otherwise good DW get parted out for want of a sideplate. At least get a price from DW on the repair.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
February 21, 2011
Steve CT said:
It's repairable, I'd hate to see an otherwise good DW get parted out for want of a sideplate. At least get a price from DW on the repair.
I kinda feel the same way. A 25.00 side plate even if I have to fit it would save this pistol, I just can't find one. I contacted CZ-USA to see if they have some and PM'd "SHOOT" about his extra plate. I may keep it for a while and just lurk the online auctions and see if I can pick one up.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
In 2009 that part was listed by DW/CZ for about $60 and "factory install". These days you can pay $20 for front sight, there likely won't be a lot of $25 sideplates out there.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
September 28, 2008
Wow, I can't imagine how you would break a sideplate. Seems like it would outlast almost anything else on the gun.I wonder if the sideplate got bound up and wasn't actually laying flat against the frame. Seems like the little sideplate screws couldn't actually make enough pressure before the snapped off to do any damage to the sideplate. Maybe just bad from the start?
I've had a couple of the cylinder stops come out on the two guns I had that had them, and it's an easy enough fix. A little loctite, and a dimple on the flat side, and it's not going anywhere ever again.
February 21, 2011
My guess is a manufacturing defect. CZ/Dan Wesson called me back. The side plate is 60 bucks, in the white and only ships to an FFL. I don't know the final cost to replace the side plate. They didn't quote labor or blueing. I had a problem with my FFL when I got this pistol and need to find a new one before I ship my pistol out.
I am also having problems with ejecting the empties. After shooting, I can't get the empty shells out of the cylinder. Is this something that can be fixed? There is no rust or anything in the chambers. They are shiny bright. Is the chamber made this tight? I can take the empties fired in the bad DW and put them in my other DW and they are not tight and eject just fine. Was this just a lemon pistol?
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
First off, I don't believe you need an FFL to ship to or receive from a manufacturer or repair facility.
My (very uninformed) opinion is that the sideplate/cylinder stop my be a bit of a weak link. It seems to me that on my earliest 15-2 the cylinder stop was a very well defined part of the sideplate. The sideplate was flat right up to the cylinder stop area, creating a very defined "joint". On the SS models especially, the sideplate seems to smooth up into the cylinder stop, making it a more integral part of the sideplate.
I broke the cylinder stop off the sideplate on that gun by tightening down the sideplate without properly setting it in place, and it was a very clean break exactly around the cylinder stop. I shot that gun for a long time with the cylinder stop tapped into place, and keeping a close eye on it, so as to not lose it. Once that little tab is broken off, I think that would make for a pretty natural weak spot in the sideplate, pretty vulnerable to breakage
Maybe the sideplate design did not carry over to the Large Frame because it was a little vulnerable?
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
January 24, 2009
The sideplate that DW is likely producing these days is an updated version of the older style, with an integral cylinder stop. Like the one pictured here...
Ejecting empties could just be a matter of a need for proper cleaning of the cylinder.
Steve is right, from everything I've heard & read, shipping your gun back & forth from the manufacturer shouldn't require a FFL middleman. You should be able to have it shipped back to your home...I guess unless you live in some ultra Kommie/Nanny state.
February 21, 2011
CZ/Dan Wesson said they would only ship the side plate to an FFL. That may not be needed if I send them the pistol and have them fit it. They said I couldn't get the side plate without an FFL.
I polished the chambers and the empties still stick in the chambers. Loaded ammo falls in and falls out with no problem. Fired brass must be knocked out of the cylinders with a considerable amount of force. I loaded it with 38 Special fired brass and they went in and out with no problem. I wonder if this pistol has been shot with too man 38s. At any rate, I will contact CZ again and get it shipped out and let them tell me what's wrong.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
They are pretty serious about the sideplate being fitted by a qualified gunsmith. Since it's in the white, and requires fitting, they clearly do not want this in the hands of a do it yourself home gunsmith.
They are still the BEST place to get complicated work done, I think.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
February 21, 2011
I just spoke with CZ/Dan Wesson. It looks like this pistol is going to be parted out.
The side plate will cost 300.00 after fitting and blueing. That stopped me in my tracks.
Keith said the cylinder would probably need replacing too. I didn't even ask the price but, I suspect it would add at least another 300.00.
I am going to part the gun out.
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