December 21, 2012
Posted this in New Members section but thought I would post it here as well
I bought this years ago, best I can remember it was late 80's or very early 90/91 at best
Never really use it much for some reason, I hunt a lot but have never taken a deer/hog with it. For some reason i just forget to take it a with me and I do a lot of bow hunting and would have animals within easy range. May try and take a deer or hog by end of year with it
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
Range Officer
Dans Club
Range Officers
July 2, 2011
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
You've got to take a deer or hog or something with it. After all, is't a Hunter Pac, not a safe or range pac...
2012 Gun Digest prices hunter pacs in V.G condition from $875 for small frames to $1050 for large frames and SM frames are set at $1150. Good condition is $700, $850, and $950, respectively.
Happy New Year,
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
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