January 12, 2012

Several years back I became acquainted with the "then" DW owner, Mr. Bob Serva, through my Model 11. I had sent my Model 11 in for a general servicing. I had called the DW Service Dept. prior to shipping to see if the "new" guys would service the older DW Models. I spoke with none-other than Bob Serva, who introduced himself, via-the-phone, as the new owner and a part-time gunsmith on DW revolvers when he wasn't too busy running the DW Company. He (Serva) was very cordial and helpful to me and he wound up working on my 11 after its arrival. I had sent Mr. Serva some pics of my 11 and me posing with some "bragging rights" (shooting medals, trophy) that my 11 had managed over the years since its purchase in 1997. I wasn't shy about going into "detailed" information with Mr. Serva about "my" 11 and how I was a late comer to the DW Six-gun. His enthusiasm and interest was deep about my 11 and through later correspondence he (Serva) told me he had posted the pics of my 11 and me in the Service Dept. for his employees to see and understand that a "market" was there for the DW Six-gun. Albeit, my 11 was one of Mr. Dan's first revolvers there were "still" people out there who loved and shot the DW six-gun and the same was overjoyed at the prospect of a new awakening of the DW Line of Revolvers. Mr. Serva knew of the history at DW and the older models posed no problem as to repair and servicing because, as Mr. Serva later told me, the DW (any model) was designed by Mr. Dan to be a simple, but durable fix. After my initial conversation with Mr. Serva I sent that 11 of mine in and the new owner worked it. I've got the, now, treasured invoice with the Bob Serva signature at the bottom as the tech who worked on my gun.
I thought, as I traveled around this "magnificient" DW website, some might find this interesting. Mr. Serva knew of my affection for my Model 11 and he treated it as such while under his work bench at DW. I grew to loved the so-called "odd-appearance" of the Model 11. Like the "exposed corrugated barrel-nut" on the end of the barrel and the extra-short hammer drop. The beautiful finger-groove walnut target grips, the flat-sided frame with a thick topstrap, and last-but-not-least, the high as the sky ramped front sight with that dovetail rear sight were "all" qualities which help develop a passion within myself for this particular DW Model. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a smart man once said! As long as tight groups still mean something I'll continue to squeeze the trigger on my 11 and remember somethaing that Mr. Serva told me; "teach them Glock-toting young bucks a lesson David. Show em what a good wheelgun can still do!"
I appreciated very much the good manners and warmness of Mr. Serva. I have all the letters and correspondence we sent to each other concerning my 11 and 14-1 & 2. He was never too busy for an old Model 11 fan! Thank you Bob, if you get to read this!
Sincerely and respectfully;
David Abney

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

It's pretty clear that Bob Serva is a Gun Guy. He is fortunate (smart?) that his path in life has allowed him to be a successful businessman, and a Gun Guy.
Bob continues to be successful in his passion at Fusion Firearms
He's a Gun Guy!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

May 17, 2010

Wow that is a great write up! Yeah, just from all I have read Serva was upstanding and supportive guy of DW. I sure can't compete with that. The best I did was two patches, the current catalog and the three parts diagrams I got from Seth and his wife back when I wanting to expand my pack with the then "new" compensated BA's. There's been a lot of good folks connected with DW... still are... just they are over here now.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

January 12, 2012

I fished out one of several letters that Mr. Serva took the time to write me on concerning my Model 11. I will share just a brief sentence or two with my friends here at DW Forum to show what a "real" company president is and just briefly try to convey Mr. Serva's concern for the Dan Wesson customer. Too bad that him and Mr. Dan were not together at the DW Company! History may have been changed! Below is from the desk of Mr. Serva who was the owner and President of Dan Wesson Firearms at that time. He (Serva) had worked on my old Model 11 himself and had enclosed this note here;
May 11, 2002
"After a closer examination of your Model 11 a collapsed firing pin spring was found and I (Serva) fixed this and resurfaced the breech face. The old girl is in good shape now. Thank you for your continued support of DW Products. Your friendship is appreciated. Your picture with your Model 11 hangs on our bulletin board for all the employees to see how our customers support us."
"I thank you and keep up the good shooting."
Robert Serva
President/Dan Wesson Firearms
I shorten the note somewhat for space and your patience. I hope this kinda/sorta lets open the door as to what sort of man Mr. Serva was. After corresponding with the DW President on my Model 11, and some minor shooting issues I was having at the range, he stepped in and helped an old po-po out with some helpful suggestions in my approach to competitive shooting. He (Serva) was truly interested in the DW customer! That little bit of money on the servicing of my 11 was NOTHING compared to WHAT I received in return from this fine man.
Sincerely and respectfully
David Abney

December 26, 2010

Thanks for the great write-up. Second to the great design of our beloved Dan's is the users' enthusiasm, especially of those here. That enthusiasm shows in everyone's posts. That said your writing style is especially rewarding and relaxing. I can't help but wonder if you are actually a storyteller/writer who just happened to have a career as an LEO. Either way, thanks for being here and for sharing your experiences.
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