DWF Supporters
February 16, 2013
Hello to all
Quick question for wise and knowledgeable!! I bought a 15-2 about a month ago and with all that I read now that I have I cant find a good answer. How do I store this BEAUTIFUL firearm?
I know "in the safe" but I mean what kind of oil? in a sock? I want to keep this as new looking as I can. As I was growing up my dad keep his Colt's well oiled and in a sock, with all of the advances in technology is that still the best way?
Oh and one more thing, Is there any cure for this ????? (except a big wallet?)
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
I will give you the (negative) extreme answer on this:
Well over 30 years ago I drifted away from shooting, and sold off half a dozen pistols and some nice reloading equipment. I put my 15-2 (my first gun) into storage (which for me means it got a quick cleaning and some oil) in an ammo can with some ammo. I figured that it always made sense to have a gun, since I already owned it. That gun moved, pretty much untouched, from MI>IA>OH>MI>CT and came out of storage in very good condition after being stored in attics and basements for about 25 years. Stupid, I know, but it came out rust and corrosion free. My son has this gun now, and it's still going strong and clean to this day.
The conventional wisdom would be:
Clean, lightly oiled, securely stored in a moderately dry environment. If not shot, clean and check for corrosion, oil lightly and continue storing. And not in a gun case or pistol rug!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
November 23, 2008
Due to the nature of my chosen profession, my Tools of our trade get stored on an average of 2.5 - 3 years at a wack. I have some rifles that have been in wraps now 10 years as I have chosen not to use them when up north there.
Here is my simple solution. This area is east central ILLinois. High humidity and unpredictible winters. Wood stocks , grips are removed. Each item is first barrel cleaned if needed. Then motor oil.. any on hand is coated on all parts without disassembly but swabbed about all accesable areas. Item is then wrapped in wax paper so no metal is showing and securely tapped with masking tape. My items are then placed in a wood crate that is lined with a big plactic bag. When all items are inside thre bag tops are folded over to cover over items. Then the wood top is sheet riock screwed on. This large box is on wheels so easily moved in the basement where items are stored. Been doing this now for 28 years and no rust.
I do my boolit (bullet) molds the same way. If anything will rust it is a bullet mold. So far none.
Mike in Peru
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
August 28, 2009
This question comes up from time to time and the answers are still pretty much the same....clean 'em and oil 'em down. I like to store them in wax paper as Mike indicated and discussed here.
However, I like Ron's idea the best - gun-sitting service
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