July 5, 2010
To start i should have wrote 715 . Just recieved a reply to some earlier questions from CZ I had on the new revolver. They did say no price as of yet BUT there would only be 500 units built. I then get a story about how there were know blue prints and how that runs cost up and so on ,and so on. No plans at this time for an expanded line. So i quess i will contenue to look for used DW's and not wait for the new ones. If the price does go to the 1200 dollar that will keep them out of hands of most working guys hands
Based on a post by Keith on the 1911Forum there will approximately 1500 (model 715) made and the MSRP will be $1200. I don't believe at this time they are bring back the model 714 which is the fixed sight version of the 715.
I'm on the list to get one hopefully... I'm building up my gun fund now!
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
November 4, 2008
Well there goes the "in for a penny, in for a pound" marketing approach.
If marketing had their finger on the pulse, they would probably realize that even if they didn't break even at either the 500 or 1500 mark,( in this recession), it will be hard to tap the mainstream of Dan Wesson revolver consumers at a price of $1,200.
If they set a breakeven point down the road with a list of $799 to $899, it would really open the market for them. Maybe they will, we still don't know for sure yet.
July 5, 2010
They should tried to build and sell at a price compairible to ruger Not s and w costum shop prices. Even there 1911's in my view are to darn costly but thats seems to be where all the 1911 sell around. If i did want a 34acp it would be a cz not a rip-off 1911. Just have wait and see whats up in june. I did get a second reply from the same lady that said 2nd year production would go up to 1000. With the small frame they should have offered a 22 , and also maybe a 38 for bullseye shooters.
November 15, 2010
Just posted on the CZ-USA website: DW 715 with a 6"VH Barrel SS with Hogue grip, case and wrench. But no MSRP given
When will they come out with the Model 15 or the 744?
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