June 5, 2008
S&W and Ruger are shoving out the DA revolvers so fast that QC has really taken nose dive in the last 2 years, more so at S&W it seems as only revolver Ruger has problem is the LCR. Seems S&W is having trouble with about everything it makes here lately because the demand is still high and they just are not taking proper amount of time for quality manufacture or assembly.
I would say a good 327 pistol pack, standard 15/715 in both 327 and 357, then a super mag 357, 44, 45 calibers. Myself I would kill for a 15 frame in 327 Federal. I would trade my test fired only 715 V8/VH4 for one in a NY minute.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
May 17, 2010
I would rather dwell on how well built the DW are than how poorly some others may be (over time).... however that said:
A co-worker, after having his house robbed, did purchase a .38 (for his wife) at my urging (versus a semi-auto). He first bought a brand new taurus, one of those ultra light titanium guns. Now you will have to forgive me as I do not know the proper part name, but on the cylinder where it is "racheted up" via cocking, the work was so poor that the gun simply could not rotate the cylinder reliably. He took the gun back for a full exchange on basically a lady smith. The quality difference was night and day.
Of course many things could account for the situation. Either gun could have been sitting on the shelve for ages, or either could have been brand new from factory last week. I don't need to knock another brand to build my own up, BUT I bought my wife an OLD DW over a new anything else. Price wasn't the consideration as the taurus was $25 less and the S&W was $75 more.
PS: During the robbery, yes, my co-worker did shoot the robber ( who had a .38 himself). The wound was not fatal ( shot in the gun hand.. co-worker is a hunter).
Of course I rather side with a friend that stated the best gun for home defense was a shotgun, preferably a pump. There is no mistaking the sound of chambering a round in old pump Remmington... and you don't have to be of good aim to maim an intruder.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
June 5, 2008
The S&W 642 series seems to be bullet proof for some reason, only problem I have heard about the Airweight is with too much shooting they rattle loose even with just 38 Sp being used and same with steal J frame in 357 models. But then most people that know guns would know they are not target guns or even defence guns designed to be shot every weekend or even once a month and be expected to last a life time w/o problems.
Very few hideout or back-up guns today are made for more then 2000 to 3000 round life span, be they revolver or automatic. Some brands, Taurus comes to mind as a front runner, for just poor quality across the board. Smith & Ruger both have a bad rep for bringing guns to market with problems that are discovered after production with guns fixed that are being built later in production process being fix and guns built prior the fix just being warranty fixes and not recalls like Ruger has been doing. Think it two different idea's as to which looks worse to the buying public. I favor the recall idea, but still think more time is needed in R&D along with testing and production setup.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
October 13, 2009
I bet if CZ does make 'em its going to fall in the Freedom Arms "genere" expensive, high quality. But there is so many different things that could happen- especially when you consider them licensing "air soft" revolvers to be made-which leads me to believe that for the Dan Wesson name they aren't totally for making every single thing themselves. I sure hope they don't grant a license to Tarus to make real revolvers! Now that would indeed be great if they do make them inhouse and get me to make the shrouds and barrels!
June 5, 2008
That would be just too cool because I have seen your excellent work first hand Eric.
Guess it's time for another email letter to or friends at DW for sure with that idea.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
May 17, 2010
EWK_Stuff said:
I bet if CZ does make 'em its going to fall in the Freedom Arms "genere" expensive, high quality. But there is so many different things that could happen- especially when you consider them licensing "air soft" revolvers to be made-which leads me to believe that for the Dan Wesson name they aren't totally for making every single thing themselves. I sure hope they don't grant a license to Tarus to make real revolvers! Now that would indeed be great if they do make them inhouse and get me to make the shrouds and barrels!
Indeed that would be very neat. And considering ( at least as I understand it) the DW autos use third party (albeit name-brand/high quality) parts, just such a situation would not be a first for DW guns in general ( or even DW revolvers if, lore is true and High Standard made some of the first ones).
It should not be a big deal for CZ to contract out the barrels/shrouds, even 100% of them. They could make a run of guns, and then order barrel kits as the market dictated, including pistol packs and the like.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
I don't see CZ outsourcing to Taurus since if I'm not mistaken they are the largest firearms maker in the world.
Based on my understanding is they have all the parts in house now they just need to throw some staff at producing them. I would be very surprised to see a $600 DW but who knows. I would think they would want to position themselves as a producing high quality revolvers since they obviously will be producing low numbers.
January 22, 2008
PS: During the robbery, yes, my co-worker did shoot the robber ( who had a .38 himself). The wound was not fatal ( shot in the gun hand.. co-worker is a hunter).
Sounds like "target fixation" - something the Motorcycle Safety Foundation teaches motorcycle riders to identify and cope with.
I think it was Masab Ayoob who says to point your firearm at the BG's lower abdomen. This gives you a full view of the BG's hands and body movements and has a physiological impact - the BG's thinking "is he/she gonna shoot me in the nuts".
On the subject of late model firearms. I have owned two Taurus revolvers. Both were OK but when it came time to sell them, they had a very low resale value.
I have 5 Smith & Wesson revolvers, all J frame models (3 AirWeight and 2 AirLite Ti). They have all been good guns. Though like Waldo says, I don't consider them to be guns that are for frequent shooting. I carry my 642 so much the protective finish for the aluminum has warn off in several areas. IIRC, the conceal carry models are S&W's hottest selling revolvers right now.
For a new Dan Wesson, I would like, of course, to see a full range of models. However if CZ want's there to be a profit, I think they will need to build the SuperMags again. I think the Lil Dan is a little to big and heavy for pocket carry. For CZ to compete in this area, they will need to design a new small frame in a light weight metal (no plastic, please!). A model 15/715 is going to need something special for a market to develop for it. There are so many used ones out there right now. But I would step up and buy a special edition 715 PP with slotted shrouds
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Pinetor said:
Indeed that would be very neat. And considering ( at least as I understand it) the DW autos use third party (albeit name-brand/high quality) parts, just such a situation would not be a first for DW guns in general ( or even DW revolvers if, lore is true and High Standard made some of the first ones).
DW 1911's have and do use aftermarket parts from high end manufacturers. The difference is that they are purchasing and fitting top quality pieces onto their top quality frames/slides. These are 1911 parts, manufactured to the most (second most, M16/AR15?) common and standardized firearms platform in existence.
As has been noted, CZ is huge, and I believe they might sub-contract some pieces, which is pretty common in all manufacturing processes, but God help us if Taurus was ever a part of a new DW firearm of any type.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
I certainly don't have a problem with them outsourcing parts but I would of course want them to be american made at the very least assembled by Keith and team in Norwich!
First let me state that I really don't like seeing the words Dan Wesson and Taurus in the same sentence. If something like that came to pass then the hope of bring back DW revolvers is doomed before it even gets started!
January 24, 2009
Jody said:
I certainly don't have a problem with them outsourcing parts but I would of course want them to be american made at the very least assembled by Keith and team in Norwich!
First let me state that I really don't like seeing the words Dan Wesson and Taurus in the same sentence. If something like that came to pass then the hope of bring back DW revolvers is doomed before it even gets started!
I agree completely!
Wayne brought up an idea I hadn't thought of before...the possibility of another Lil' Dan. That's a cool idea, wouldn't mind one of those in .327 Mag. And yeah, for sure no plastic parts.
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