Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
NVGdude said:
I've never seen a 735p box before, so I don't know if the foam is original or not. Other boxes of that era were polystyrene with a sleeve. One of the other Lil' Dan owners might know.
You have the manual too, very nice. I note that the manual lists the 38p as well as the 738p. I had heard rumors that a blued version was produced, but again I have never seen one nor pictures of one.
You did good.
That is the correct box for a Li'l Dan. I have 2 of them and both came in boxes identical to that one. I think the manila envelope was transferred to you from another gun by a previous owner. The box has slots in the foam for both the tool and the feeler gauge as do both of my boxes, and neither of mine came with the manila envelope.
Glad you decided to keep it. I don't think you'll regret it.
Both of mine shoot a little high and to the left. It may be that I have to adjust myself to the design of the gun. Someone else here said theirs shot a little high as well. As you've discovered, they don't shoot as high with the +P ammo.
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