February 16, 2016

TWolff said
Short answer, Lapua.And Big BC Bullets sure do make it a lot easier. 1250 is the new 1000 for .308s.
Lapua is my favorite too, but I got a great deal on some Norma, so that's what I use mostly.
I live in Central Florida, so have sea level flatland, but our range only goes to 1,000 yards.

January 31, 2023

I’ll take my response over to your .300 PRC thread. *winks*
That laminate looks great! I looked at Exotic and shore ‘nuff, they have it. Mine cost about 45 bucks shipped. Their final price was really good for a plain grip, no finger grooves. No DW medallions, tho, but if you had them, I’d bet they’ll set them for you. For mo’ money, of course. *grins*
The range close to me only goes to 600 for the midrange F-class and about 850 for the PRS games, and the one up north by the mountains goes to 1000, so there’s no official ELD ranges. We go out west of Albq, north of I-40, between 2 Indian res lands. There’s places you could set up a really long way if you wanted, before you go thru arroyos and mesas again. Probably over 2 miles. I’ve never shot past 1200 meters / 1320 yds though. There’s one good flat spot about that long that’s down low, so the wind doesn’t pick up much there. Otherwise you can go way east where it’s high plains for miles, but most of it is private ranch land. The way you get on there is to ask if you can come anytime to wipe out prairie dogs. Ranchers love that. *laughs*
OK, going off on tangents and down rabbit holes here. Thanks to everyone, but unless someone has another response that has to go here and nowhere else to complete the conversation, I think I took this about as far from a bum Pistol Pac deal as it can get. But it was fun! *laughs*
There's an old saying about those who forget history.
I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Dans Club
December 7, 2020

TWolff said
Kurt,I’ll take my response over to your .300 PRC thread. *winks*
That laminate looks great! I looked at Exotic and shore ‘nuff, they have it. Mine cost about 45 bucks shipped. Their final price was really good for a plain grip, no finger grooves. No DW medallions, tho, but if you had them, I’d bet they’ll set them for you. For mo’ money, of course. *grins*
If you wanted to have Hogue make some grips, here are the requirements given to me 03/15/2022:
"If you supplied the wood, the block would need to be 11”x3”x1” and will be $100 if left smooth. If textured $150. The lead time would depend on the next time we are running the Dan Wesson frames which can take up to 160 days. Please note, unfortunately I cannot warranty customer material if damaged during machining process. Medallions can be installed near the cylinder and will be an added $20 for both sides."

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

So let me get this straight. You can order these wood blanks then ship them to Hogue and have a set of Dan Wesson grips made with medallions? Do you have to supply the medallions? I see it takes 6 months plus to do so and if they screw up the wood blank they are not responsible but i'm interested in doing this. THe blanks I saw are really nice. I did not know Hogue would do custom grips. I do know Hogue Dan Wesson hardwood grips are 2 piece grips glued together I wonder if there are any restrictions to type of wood or any other things I would need to know if I wanted to give this a try? Thanks everyone!

January 31, 2023

Hi, guys!
Before I respond, I'm gonna call the guy running the Pro Shop tomorrow and get solid answers to your questions and more within the next day or three. As the retired owner of a sometimes high-end, truly custom production business, if I was running that end of Hogue, I'd be all in on every aspect of cranking out whatever the customer wanted, within material constraints and the existing grip profiles on their CNC machine.
Lemme find out just what they will and won't do. Their custom guys *should* love the sheer fun of creating goodness from new and different, exotic, and jus' plain wild stock.
I'd *guess* that the material simply has to stand up to the stress that machine places on it when they channel, mortise, and drill the inside of these one-piece grips. So basically any hardwood or lam that would make a great grip. Again, if it was me, I'd jus' wanna be sure whatever I was putting in there wouldn't gum up/damage/dull my machine or blow apart in my face! *laughs*
As to medallions, I'm purty sure that you'd have to supply them. If they had them, they would've offered them as an option already. I doubt they ever did since those are probably a licensed DW product. That or they went the way of 15" BAs.
If you or anyone else sees this and has other questions you want me to ask, post 'em up. It's already getting late on a Sunday, but I'll check back here in the afternoon and add them to whatever I can dream up.
(I was writing up longer replies for tonight and was gonna continue this as its own thread elsewhere, but I’ll wait ‘til later. There’s still too many unknown variables. *grins* )
There's an old saying about those who forget history.
I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Dans Club
December 7, 2020

As noted, this is dated information. This was from Aaron Hogue, who later in 2022 died racing his plane.
Aaron installed supplied medallions in two pairs of 1911 grips for me. He was going to make custom grips with wood blanks and medallions supplied by me. But, then the accident took his life.
Assuming they will still do customer-supplied materials custom grips, I would assume prices have increased since 2022.
(And Stan: If you're going to ask anyway. Ask if they will do Dupont Corian for DW Revolvers? Thanks)
Gary Reeder did one pair that I saw. I guess they gummed up the machinery? Because upon inquiry, to do another he quoted $1K. Nope.
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