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Oops! … I did it again!
Central NM
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September 23, 2024 - 1:31 am
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OK, I don’t listen to Britney Spears, my niece did. That song came out in 2000 when she was a little kid, and although the song sucked, the title is still funny and definitely appropriate here. *laughs*

Oh yeah, I was gonna post something related to DWAS!  

I want anyone who hasn’t contracted this dread malady yet to understand how it begins and how suddenly it progresses. (Tip: stay broke and you MIGHT remain inoculated against it.) Sit back and permit me to regale you with a tale of woe and misery, and my descent into DW debauchery:

Having been content owning a 15-2VH with 4” and 8” BAs for decades, I always told myself that I’d buy a 6” BA to finish what I consider to be a useful set for that highly accurate weapon. (I’ve always thought that barrels less than 3” are great for making fireballs and not much else. YMMV.) Since I only use it for competitions, the 8” stays on the frame, so I wasn’t in a rush.

Well, early last summer I found a really nice 6” BA with sharp rifling, but it was attached to a frame which, amazingly enough, is numbered 1047xx, very close to the first one, 1097xx, both probably made in ‘77. That is a coolness factor on its own, but it’s also highly significant to me because I graduated HS in ’77.

(Before anyone gives me any “old man” crap, I stay in fighting shape.)


Whether it had simply laid dormant or I was suddenly infected, DWAS had its hooks in me! I looked at both 15-2VHs in their cases and thought, “Hmm, it’d be really wild to have one frame with the old BAs as a shooter and the other with 3 new, unfired BAs.” So after a lil’ confusion, you good people contributed to my demise by giving me the contact info for Genny at CZ. They had problems sending a nice 4” but, after 3 tries, by September I had all 3. I had fed the beast, or so I thought.

1000 bucks later, they just didn’t look right, so I did my research and decided on 2 different laminated grips from Hogue that I could have made to order, nice and bright to offset the blued revolvers. I held off on them though, fighting the DWAS and sweating it out, buying other toys, until 3 days ago when I couldn’t resist anymore. The price had dropped on them, so that sealed the deal. A quick phone call with Josh and they will be here within a month. I still need a pair of new 10” BAs, but that could take some wrangling, so the DWAS monster had been satiated again and I got off cheaply. Yeah, right. *winks*

This morning, without my awareness, the demon possessed me again, and with its typical sly and cunning tricks, made me think I should just peruse Gunbroker and see what it would cost to get the next items on my firepower list, a lever gun and single action six-shooter. But, though it was far down on my list, I was drawn to “just peeking” at the Pistol Pacs and simply seeing if, among all the stuff that ignorant or deceptive sellers try to pass off as genuine, complete Pacs, there were any real ones. Then I see a complete 15-2V Pistol Pac in excellent, LNIB condition, with the keys and assorted paperwork to boot!

Well, it was also the only genuine Pac for sale, so although it intrigued me consciously, the DWAS arose from my subconscious and spurred me on to contact the seller and get some clear pics of the cylinder to check the cylinder drag lines, which seemed to be very light, but I wanted close-ups.

In the pics he emailed, the lines were very faint; the bluing was still prominent. His description said the bores are excellent, along with everything else. The ad stated there was a 3 day from receiving evaluation period, but he offered 7. All things considered, it was a good deal. Not GTDW, but a good deal.

Long story short, the DWAS went into warp drive. I waited. It was only a few minutes until the auction closed and there still weren’t any bids. Strange, because the price was on the low end of similar quality Pacs I’d seen on GB over the last year, and none of them had keys to the case or a pile of paperwork like this one did. So at 1 minute, I submitted the minimum bid, starting the “15 minute rule,” which, if you don’t know, gives others that much time to counterbid and resets each time. I waited, wondering when everyone would come out of the woodwork to snag this baby. For whatever reason, nobody bid against me and the time ran out. I had so much adrenaline coursing through me that if I had hit the door running I would have received a ticket for speeding in Taos! I’ve always used the “Buy Now” option, so this was the first time I’ve bid on an item, and I won it without a peep from anyone else. If Jesus wants me to buy Dan Wessons, He was definitely with me on this one.


So now I’m sitting here, pleased as a pig in you-know-what, sipping fine Kentucky rye, listening to Buckethead, anticipating concluding the transaction and getting my hands on this exceptional Pac very soon.

What’s that you say? Pics? Oh, I almost forgot! Well, of course! Sorry ‘bout that, the suspense must be killing you. Here ya go, a few from the GB ad and the email the guy sent:  


Dan-Wesson-My-15-2V-Pistol-Pac-01-1.jpgImage Enlarger

Dan-Wesson-My-15-2V-Pistol-Pac-06-1.jpgImage Enlarger
Dan-Wesson-My-15-2V-Pistol-Pac-07-1.jpgImage Enlarger


In closing, my advice to any newbie out there reading this is save yourself while you can. Run, and never look back. Now!

*wicked laughter*


P.S. - Hope you liked the short story and it wasn’t too much. My babe says I’m an entertainer but she also says I run off at the mouth sometimes. I use Nuance Dragon talk-to-text software since I can’t type, so this went quickly.


Pix of this Pac and the 15-2VHs coming soon. Thanks for reading.

(Edited 'cuz I forgot a "VH." Yeah, I'm a perfectionist, deal with it.) 

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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September 23, 2024 - 3:48 am
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I can spot a fellow "run off at the mouth" guy fueled by a bit of "Kentucky rye" from 100 yards away! I have made many similar posts here that ended up as mini novels...some were (ahem) underwhelming the next day. embarassed  

Anyway, I loved the story & definitely feel the angst as you waited for that stupid GB 15 minute clock to come to zero, leaving you the high bidder! I much prefer Ebay's system, where there is no 15 minute clock. GB's steenkin' 15 minute clock has made me pay hundreds over what I could have snagged gun purchases for over the years, if they didn't have that damn clock. mad Jerks.

Congrats on landing that sweet looking Pac! occasion If yours wasn't the twin to my first PP, I may have been bidding against you that day. wink

Central NM
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September 25, 2024 - 6:10 pm
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Charger Fan, thank you, sir!

Got sidetracked for a coupla days, so I missed your response. Oh, the bourbon helped, but using the Dragon makes it really easy to blast out paragraphs in no time at all. But looking back on it, I'm still thinking it’s good. Long, but not an "Oh, crap!" post. *grins*

Yes, the 15 minute reset probably puts everyone on edge. But seeing today that people had taken and were still snagging genuine-looking Pacs that were missing items, weren't as nice, and cost more relieved me of any buyer's remorse I might've had. There's still a few like that for sale, so I'm really jacked now! 

You probably already figured that I go by Jody's list of items in most Pistol Pacs, and right or wrong, I consider that a genuine Pac should have the patch and belt buckle, with the yellow upholstery being a certain sign of authenticity, though, from what I've seen, not an absolute.


(For any readers who haven’t found that info on PPs and MUCH more!)

Good to hear that you also have an immaculate Pac, and if you'd bid against me, you might've had another. Nice as mine is, my limit is lower than a lot of winning bids I've seen. *smiles*

(Edited to fix typos)

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Pleasant Plains, Illinois

Dans Club
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September 25, 2024 - 9:19 pm
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Kudos on using almost all of this forum’s acronyms! LOl Great story that I’m sure we all can relate!


Central NM
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September 26, 2024 - 5:00 pm
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Hi Kurt.

Aw, I only used 2 or 3 that were created by this forum. I think? *smiles*

Glad you liked the story. If I ever ran across a SuperPac like yours, I'd probably lose all self-control and do it yet again!

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Central NM
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March 3, 2025 - 11:33 pm
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Hello, people. I haven't been on the 'net and neglected this site and many others. I know it's been over 5 months, but life got in the way, in a good way overall. Anyway, I left this hanging so I thought I'd post the outcome. 

TL;DR: Not good, I returned it the day after my LGS received it. A real shame. 

Longer story, after opening the nice case and removing a manila envelope with all of the paperwork, I and my buddy the store owner just stared. There was a lot of Silly String looking stuff on the 6" and 4" BAs! I took pics, then looked over everything closely. The frame and grip were perfect, but the extra grip had a chip on the back, and the same two BAs had scratches on them. Not bad, just normal wear and tear, but not "like new" or "pristine," as advertised. Same with the bores. Not “nearly perfect.” Also, the buckle had a stain or corrosion. A different camera angle woulda shown those defects. Aside from that, the Pac was fairly nice. But those were major issues and back it went, the seller paying shipping, for a full refund.

The price was a good deal for a near-perfect Pistol Pac, not one that was OK.

He had listed the Pac with a 3 day return period. I saw he listed it again, changing a lot of adjectives and dropping the price $200, but the "funny" thing is that he got rid of the inspection period and listed it "as is." I didn't follow it and a coupla weeks later it was gone, but if the new buyer didn't ask for close-up shots of everything? Hmm.

I wonder if the Silly String was included again as part of the package? 


On the brighter side, I got the Rosewood Laminate grip from Hogue a coupla weeks ago. There were also some delays with the second grip, but I should have it soon, maybe next week? There will be pics. *grins*

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Ole Dog
ocala, fl


Dans Club
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March 6, 2025 - 7:57 am
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So sorry for your disappointment. But, GB is endless. I too tend to run on at great length. BTW, you are still a whippersnapper. Do you have Medicare yet? If you have a good supplemental policy you will be probed and prodded and find out how ill you really are. DOGE needs to address Medicare fraud for real savings. Hint, it all starts with a fanciful radiology report. 

  About your DWAS, it is just the beginning. Trump's tax cuts will enable you to really have fun on Gunbroker. I thought my DWAS was in remission and a rare DW 360 showed up. I could have bought 3 unfired Pistol packs for what that cost me. I recommend you research and acquire some porkchops. Specifically, the models 12 and 15, with the short hammer throw. The later model porkchops, called 15-1 (circa 1972 to 74) have the longer hammer travel. The High Standard Dans are the later dash ones. You can find shooters relatively cheap. They may be the best, most durable and accurate guns Dan Wesson made. If you buy a model 12 you may want to update the hand and handspring to the later version where the handspring fits in a slot on the back of the hand. And you really will need a Model 40.


Pleasant Plains, Illinois

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March 6, 2025 - 10:01 am
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big-grinDWAS is an agent that induces making wise investments in more Dans 


Central NM
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March 12, 2025 - 7:53 pm
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Hi, Ole Dog! 

Well, I won't violate PerSec too much, but although I look 10 yrs younger, I ain't a young wolf anymore. *grins* 

As to buying more Dans, I *could* go nuts on some more shooters, but I'm feeding the F-Class/PRS beast for now. I've chosen a new bullet for both .308 and 6mm, so there's a chunk of change for a LOT of each, but trying powders and finally getting 8 lbs of each isn't cheap. Then there's other pricey projects that should keep DWAS at bay, as long as I stay off Gunbroker and the other sites. 

Let's see how well that works out. *laughs*

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Pleasant Plains, Illinois

Dans Club
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March 12, 2025 - 7:55 pm
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IMG_6561-1.jpegImage Enlarger

I’m working up a load for a new custom build 300 PRC right now.  My first time reloading for a rifle, fun process.


Central NM
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March 12, 2025 - 8:34 pm
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Hey, Kurt! 

"Wise investments" is the operative phrase, right? The good (or bad?) thing is that I'm getting a good handle on what those would be when it comes to DWs. As I just told Ole Dog, staying away from the temptation will have to do for now, at least until I get that other stuff done for the year. Then? 


Anyways, I went back and forth with Hogue and it'll be a little while longer before I get what I want, a second grip made from "customer supplied" laminate stock. Check out this Spectraply stuff, from the same company (CWP) that makes the Hogue Lamo Camo (Green Mountain Camo) blanks, that LB Grips also used, but Terrain Camo instead, supplied by ExoticBlanks.com. Larger selection and much cheaper shipping than CWP: 


Regardless of how the layering comes out, with 4 colors/plies instead of the usual 3 (or 2), it should be wicked! Now to wait. Again. 

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Central NM
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March 12, 2025 - 9:37 pm
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Looks like I skipped over your post. Shoulda looked before I hit "Send." *smiles*

Ah, cool! I've been rolling my own for a long time now. Only way to get SDs below 7 on 10-shot groups with corresponding low ES numbers.

Tip: If you're not watching the YouTube guys on reloading, check out Erik Cortina, F-Class John, the "Winning in the Wind" guy, and definitely Bryan Litz (Believe the Target). They'll save you a lot of time and well, Bryan Litz? *grins* 

Nowadays the trend is going to being more and more OCD with your brass, like the benchrest guys were 20-30 yrs ago. Adjustable primer seaters, FL bushing dies, neck turners, expanders, annealers, etc. Not to mention barrel tuners, ACE/APA muzzle devices (not legal in F-Class), and such. Now that even the .308 can be good to 1200+ with these .280 plus G7 BC bullets, some of these things, maybe all of them, will give us smaller, more consistent groups. (At the 600-yd range, I don't bother with half of that.) 

But as I tell the guys and gals who are new to 800-1000 yd shooting, long before they get wild at 1200 to "Damn, that's a LONG way!" shooting, work on the basics first. When you develop a system to crank out really consistent loads without thinking about it, then start experimenting with all that other stuff. 

I'm sure you're hip to that already. Thought I'd throw it in anyway for all the other people who come by and read our stuff. Take care and have fun with that new toy, brother. 

There's an old saying about those who forget history.

I don't remember it, but it's good ...

Pleasant Plains, Illinois

Dans Club
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March 12, 2025 - 11:13 pm
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TWolff said
Hey, Kurt! 


Regardless of how the layering comes out, with 4 colors/plies instead of the usual 3 (or 2), it should be wicked! Now to wait. Again. 


I never knew there were companies that made blank wood supplies for grips.  Learn sumthin’ new everyday!


Pleasant Plains, Illinois

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March 12, 2025 - 11:20 pm
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TWolff said

Looks like I skipped over your post. Shoulda looked before I hit "Send." *smiles*

Ah, cool! I've been rolling my own for a long time now. Only way to get SDs below 7 on 10-shot groups with corresponding low ES numbers.

Tip: If you're not watching the YouTube guys on reloading, check out Erik Cortina, F-Class John, the "Winning in the Wind" guy, and definitely Bryan Litz (Believe the Target). They'll save you a lot of time and well, Bryan Litz? *grins* 

Nowadays the trend is going to being more and more OCD with your brass, like the benchrest guys were 20-30 yrs ago. Adjustable primer seaters, FL bushing dies, neck turners, expanders, annealers, etc. Not to mention barrel tuners, ACE/APA muzzle devices (not legal in F-Class), and such. Now that even the .308 can be good to 1200+ with these .280 plus G7 BC bullets, some of these things, maybe all of them, will give us smaller, more consistent groups. (At the 600-yd range, I don't bother with half of that.) 

But as I tell the guys and gals who are new to 800-1000 yd shooting, long before they get wild at 1200 to "Damn, that's a LONG way!" shooting, work on the basics first. When you develop a system to crank out really consistent loads without thinking about it, then start experimenting with all that other stuff. 

I'm sure you're hip to that already. Thought I'd throw it in anyway for all the other people who come by and read our stuff. Take care and have fun with that new toy, brother. 

Me and 2 buddies been working our way up in target distance for 10+ years now.  We’re currently shooting steel at 1-mile for past couple years.  We’ve been shooting custom 6.5 Creedmore rifles.  Now we’re all moving to 300 PRC caliber to better combat the wind.  My 6.5CM always shot very well with Hornady 140gr ELD-M ammo so I never had to venture into custom reloading.  But, I decided it’s time to venture into the great unknown!!  So far so good.  

I’ve been watching Ultimate Reloader on Rumble for months now.  Also, F-Class John too.  And God, Family, & Guns on Rumble.  I tend to stay away from YouTube.  

Glad you’re here on DWF with us!




Range Officer


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March 13, 2025 - 10:44 am
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Where do you find ranges or places you can safely shoot at a mile?

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

My father

If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.

My grandfather

Pleasant Plains, Illinois

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March 13, 2025 - 10:57 am
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We go to my buddy’s dad’s farm just outside Hannibal, MO.   We can likely safely go up to 1.25 mile target distance.  


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