January 5, 2013

After little cleaning and a thorough checkout of my recently acquired 6" 15 "Dan" I got it out to the range this week to punch some paper. I haven't done any shooting for over twenty years so it took a bit to get comfortable and get the "Dan" sighted in. After 60 or so rounds I was finding some consistency and decided to shoot a couple of clean targets for show. Here they are.


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

My .357's are sighted in at "pumpkin on the post", or bottom of the bullseye perched on the top of the front sight at anything less than 25 yards. In fact I sight in everything like this except a self defense gun, which goes to center of bullseye (body mass). At the range I would use any handgun for SD, an inch or two in any direction won't matter.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

All my revolvers are sighted like Steve mentioned. I find it easier to acquire my target and hit what I aim at. Many of my pistols are set up so that I have to cover the target with the sights. I find this a bit challenging to adapt to after shooting revolver for a time. I'm much more accurate with my wheel guns than I am with most of my pistols, exceptions being my DW 1911s, they are tack drivers all.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

January 5, 2013

I started with .357 125gr UMC JSP's outdoors. Initially I wasn't even hitting the paper at 50' and finally shot at the target corners to see what was going on (way low and left). Before I started cranking the sights around I shot six rounds at a high and right aim point to see if I was consistent or just throwing lead down range. A six inch group about 10" low and left of my aim point was the result so I went ahead and cranked the rear sight up and and over 3-4 turns. That got me onto the target and with a few smaller adjustments I was scaring the bullseye with some consistency.
I'd gone through the box of UMC, the sun was down, and I was getting cold so I decided to move to the indoor range. No magnums allowed inside so I switched to .38 +P 125gr Remington JHP and tweaked on the sights some more finally getting the holes in the target to appear pretty close to where I was aiming. For reference, the windage screw was at the stop and the elevation screw was pretty loose. I use a "lollipop" sighting with the top of the front sight even with the top of the rear sight and the bullseye stacked on the front sight.
Later, when I cleaned the gun, I reset the barrel/cylinder gap, set the barrel 1/4 turn from where it was, and snugged the barrel nut down a little tighter. I plan go to the range again next week and will post the results.

January 19, 2013

Thanks for info on how you position your sight picture. I've shot the way I described for a long time and often have the same problem with my Smiths . I think it's probably time to change. My eyes are a lot older now and the target on top of the sights is easier to see when I've tried it.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

BTW-Anyone having sighting in elevation issues with standard DW front sights, there are at least two different heights front sights with colored inserts from DW.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

January 5, 2013

Took the "Dan" to the range last night and punched some more holes. Overall, I think it is performing a little better and was able to sight it in without cranking windage to the stop. I picked up some Lawman .38 SPL +P 125gr TMJ since last week and used that on the indoor range after sighting in outdoors with a mixture of .357. Moved indoors and tweaked things in a bit at 50ft, hung a fresh target, sent it downrange 25yds, fired three rounds, brought it back to see where I was hitting (1/4 turn right + 1/4 turn down) sent it back, and shot the remaining three (see result below). BTW, that's a 3" O.D. "donut" (1" grid).
I love my "Dan".
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